
2013-05-28 00:00:00来源:时代周刊


  Barack Obama, circa 1979 / Contact Press

  One of the less great things about being president -- all those old photos that surface publicly.

  President Barack Obama, who has had to deal with public comments from past girlfriends, now has to endure pictures from his high school prom night in 1979, back when the future president was 17 years old.

  Time magazine also published a high school yearbook salutation to classmate Kelli Allman, the girlfriend of a pal: "You are extremely sweet and foxy, I don't know why Greg would want to spend any time with me at all! You really deserve better than clowns like us; you even laugh at my jokes!"

  Also from Time magazine:

  "Tucked away in someone else's shoe box of adolescent artifacts, there might be a picture of you in garish clothes and with an outdated 'do, your arm around a high school squeeze.

  "The President of the United States is no different. These previously unpublished photos, obtained exclusively by TIME from Obama's schoolmate Kelli Allman (née McCormack), show a 17-year-old Barack Obama on the night of his senior prom.

  "Barry spent in his days at the Punahou School in Hawaii studying, shooting hoops and goofing off with his friends. Greg Orme, a fellow varsity basketball player, was Obama's constant companion. 'They were like brothers,' says Allman.

  "On prom night, the pair double-dated. Obama and his date Megan Hughes, a student at the Hawaii School for Girls at La Pietra, joined Orme at Allman's house, where the two couples sipped champagne before going to the dance and then an after-party. 'It was a really fun, happy time. We were all cracking up, and everyone was smiling,' says Allman. 'It was pretty typical from there out as far as what happens at prom: the dinner and the dancing and the photos.'

  "Millions of American teenagers will go to proms this year. Their photos are more likely to be stored on Facebook than in a shoe box. But it's fun to imagine that in one of those pictures, there's a girl in a pastel dress or a lanky guy in a white sport coat who will end up becoming the leader of the free world."



  《美国《时代周刊》23日刊登了奥巴马昔日同学凯利 奥尔曼提供的老照片,展现了17岁的奥巴马的风采。

  奥尔曼还介绍说:“巴里(奥巴马高中时代的昵称)在夏威夷普纳候(音译)学校读书时,经常和朋友们一起打篮球和闲逛。篮球队队员格雷格 奥玛是奥巴马形影不离的伙伴,他们就像兄弟一样。”

  舞会那晚,奥巴马身穿白色外套,舞伴是附近夏威夷女子中学的梅根 休斯。在舞会和晚宴前,他们和奥玛齐聚奥尔曼家,畅饮香槟酒。




本文关键字: 时代周刊



