口译时事:安检员对少女穿紧身裤不满 惹怒家长

2013-06-26 00:00:00来源:大耳朵英语


  The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is investigating a report that one of its officers allegedly humiliated a 15-year-old girl wearing leggings, a tank top, and a button-down, telling her she should cover up as she went through an ID-check line in the Los Angeles Airport Sunday. 


  “She said the officer was‘glaring’at her and mumbling. She said,‘Excuse me?’and he said,‘You're only 15, cover yourself!’in a hostile tone,” the girl's father, Mark Frauenfelder, told Yahoo! Shine, echoing what he had written in a Boing Boing blog post describing the incident. “It shook her up," he added.

  女孩父亲马克-弗劳恩菲尔德告诉Yahoo! Shine专栏,对其描述该事件的波音博客帖做出了进一步的说明:“她说这位官员‘瞪大双眼’看着她,嘴里不停的唠叨。她还说:‘有什么不妥吗?’他说:‘你才15岁,应裹紧点’,而且那口气充满了敌意。”

  Frauenfelder, who is editor in chief of Make magazine and the founder of Boing Boing, told Shine that his daughter, Sarina, was with a group of high school peers, on their way to visit colleges. He said that she began a rapid-fire series of texts to him and his wife by declaring, "I'm furious!" and adding, about the TSA officer, "He was so rude and hostile. He made me feel like a slut."

  弗劳恩费尔德是 “Make”杂志的主编和波音波音博客的创始人,告诉 “Shine”专栏:他女儿名叫萨里娜,那天正和一群高中的同学去几所大学进行考察。他接着说,她给我和她妈妈火急火燎地发来短信。最后她说:“那名交通安全管理局的检查人员非常粗鲁而且充满了敌意。他指责我像个荡妇,反倒让我颜面丢尽,简直气死我了!”

  Frauenfelder posted a photo of his daughter in the outfit she had on during the incident and wrote, “It doesn't matter what she was wearing, though, because it's none of his business to tell girls what they should or should not wear. His creepy thoughts are his own problem, and he shouldn't use his position of authority as an excuse to humiliate a girl and blame her for his sick attitude.”


  "I think that it is really dangerous for the TSA to do anything outside of their very narrow job description, which is to ensure the safety of passengers from violent attacks," he said, explaining to Yahoo! Shine why he decided to make an issue out of the incident. He added that it was a "huge abuse of authority" for a TSA officer to be "telling a girl that what she's wearing is something she should be ashamed of."

  “我认为交通安全管理局的检查人员做出任何超出其职权范围的事儿都是不妥的,他们的职权是确保乘客人身安全、不受暴力袭击”。他向“Yahoo! Shine”专栏解释他为何对这起事件大动肝火。他补充说这位官员“指责女孩的穿着并让其难堪”是“严重的滥用权力”。

  Another blogger—Maureen Herman, a friend of Frauenfelder's—also wrote about the incident Sunday, explaining why the TSA officer’s reported conduct matters.


  “This may not seem like a big deal. To Mark it’s a big deal. To his daughter it’s a big deal. To us, things like this need to matter, because they inject shame (or try to) in a young woman who is just living her life, going to check out colleges, and throws on the first of what will unfortunately be many layers of sexism she will encounter in her life,” Herman wrote. “It’s like when someone experiences racism for the first time: it’s going to happen again, but the first time is especially jarring and hurtful.”

  “这事儿看起来并没什么大不了的。但对马克来说,却是一件了不起的事儿。对他女儿来说,也是一件不小的事儿。对我们大家来说,这种事儿需要引起重视,因为他们试图羞辱一位年轻的女性,她还要经历人生、要上大学、还要接受人生中不幸强加给她的一层又一层的性别歧视的外衣,” 莫琳·赫尔曼写道:“这就像某人第一次亲身经历种族偏见一样:时常会出现种族偏见这种事儿,可是第一次的经历特别震撼,会留下长久的伤痛。”

  Many of Frauenfelder’s nearly 24,000 Twitter followers were also angered to hear about the incident. “Wow. Give some people a uniform and, wow,” wrote one commenter, while others were a bit more charged, tweeting, “Maybe the TSA can keep a stock of courtesy burkas on hand,” and “American Taliban.”



本文关键字: 检察人员



