口译时事:90后小伙三入黄河救人 捐出万元奖金

2013-06-26 00:00:00来源:大耳朵英语



  On the afternoon of May 18, Xing Erpeng and his friend amused themselves by cycling to Liuyuankou Section along Yellow River Beach in Kaifeng when four other young college students and a 12-year-old boy were at play by the river. All of a sudden, the little boy slid into the water. At this, two girls, who can swim like a tailor's goose, plunged into the river to rescue the boy, so they, as could be imagined, were swept away by the onrush of the water.


  Upon hearing shouts of "Help", Xing Erpeng, who can swim like a cork, immediately stripped his backpack and put his cell phone aside, leaping into the river. He swam toward the boy and tried to lock the boy by the waist with one arm, but both of them spun round in the water as they were caught in an eddy. Xing exerted himself to get free from the eddy and swam fiercely toward the bank and clung to a rock imbedded in the river dyke, so the boy was brought into safety.


  He barely had time to catch a breath before he jumped back into the water, swimming desperately toward one of the girl students, who lost the last ounce of strength for any more struggle in the water as she was immersed in the water for quite a while. He tried with one arm to support the girl above the water surface by her waist and hurriedly swam toward to the bank with her. With the help from onlookers on the bank, this girl was luckily saved.


  Without giving it any further thought, Xing, totally exhausted or played out, dived into the water and pushed another girl onto the bank with might and main. Having seen the three drowning persons safe and sound without no more danger, Xing Erpeng left quietly.


  Asked about his initial ideas about the rescue, Xing Erpeng just gave a simple reply, “at that crucial moment, an idea hit me that they were three lives. If I had not tried to save them, I would live an uneasy and conscience-stricken life.”


  Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute awarded him as a Good Samaritan with a prize worth 10,000 yuan, but it is heartwarming to find that he gave away the money to the needy. Xing Erpeng, in reality, does not come from a wealthy family but had the misfortune to lose his father at nine. He has weathered through his summer holidays at the construction sites almost every year since he began to do odd jobs at 13.


本文关键字: 黄河滩区



