
2013-07-19 09:59:19来源:爱思英语

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory in suburban Chicago is home to one of the newest, fastest, most efficient supercomputers in the country, called MIRA. But despite the new equipment, lawmakers are concerned that the United States is losing the international supercomputing race, a field it has dominated for decades.


  Lined up in a sprawling room on the second floor of Argonne National Laboratory’s Theory and Computing Sciences building is the future of supercomputing.

  Argonne Director Eric Isaacs says MIRA can go where few computers can.

  “A machine like this enables us to start solving complex problems, and by complex problems, I mean problems that have many moving parts," he said. "Like a jet engine, a photovoltaic cell, like a grid, if you think about a power grid, a power grid is a very complicated thing.”
  阿尔贡国家实验室的埃里克 艾萨克斯说:“像这样的机器可以帮助我们解决一些复杂的问题。我这里所说的复杂的问题指的是那些涉及很多移动部件的问题,像喷气发动机,光伏电池。比如电网,你可以想想电网,这是一个非常复杂的东西。”

  When construction and assembly of MIRA began, it was projected to be the third fastest computer on the planet, clocking in at around 10 petaflops.

  “That’s 10 quadrillion operations per second. That’s just very fast,” according to Isaacs.
  埃里克 艾萨克斯说:“它每秒运算10千万亿次,非常快。”

  But not fast enough to stay on top.

  By the time U.S. Senator Dick Durbin arrived at Argonne for a ceremonial ribbon cutting to officially dedicate the newest machine on the supercomputing block, MIRA had fallen to fifth place in the global ranking of the world’s fastest computers.
  当美国参议员迪克 德宾抵达阿尔贡参加最新超级计算机正式投入的剪彩仪式时。在全球计算机的速度排名中,MIRA已经跌至第五位。

  “The fastest computer in the world is in China,” Isaacs said.
  埃里克 艾萨克斯说:“最快的计算机在中国。”

  That computer, known as The Milky Way 2 housed in Guangzhou, is about three times the speed of Argonne’s MIRA.

  “It’s also a real threat," Isaacs said. "We’re now seeing China more often take the lead role of being the fastest or having the fastest machine in the world.”
  埃里克 艾萨克斯 阿尔贡国家实验室说:“这是一个真正的威胁。我们可以发现中国现在在速度上一直领先,而且拥有很多世界上最快的机器。

  The trend troubles Durbin, who wants the United States to remain competitive in the supercomputing race.

  “There’s a competition in this world not just for jobs but for basic research that can be applied to the private sector and public sector, and the world of supercomputing is where many of those battles will be fought,” he said.
  美国国会参议员迪克 德宾说:“世界上有一种竞争不只是为了工作而是为了适用于私营部门和公共部门的基础研究。在超级计算机的领域中有很多这样的斗争。”

  Durbin says there also are battles to be fought in the U.S. Congress, where funding for supercomputers is bogged down in the politics of deficit reduction and tighter budgets.

  “They know the cost, but they don’t know the value," he said. "We really need to educate members of Congress this supercomputing competition is really key to America’s competitiveness and to a lot of breakthroughs that will benefit the whole world.”
  美国参议员迪克 德宾说:“他们知道费用是多少,但是他们不知道其价值是什么。我们必须告诉国会议员超级计算机的竞争是美国竞争力的关键所在,也是很多利于世界的突破口所在。”

  Although MIRA is not the fastest, it does hold the distinction of being the most energy efficient. Air around the processors inside the machine is cooled using chilled water in copper tubes instead of fans, which also reduces the amount of noise it creates.
  美国参议员迪克 德宾说:“他们知道费用是多少,但是他们不知道其价值是什么。我们必须告诉国会议员超级计算机的竞争是美国竞争力的关键所在,也是很多利于世界的突破口所在。”


本文关键字: 口译时事 超级计算机



