
2013-10-28 17:33:40来源:网络


  Medvedev confirmed as Russia’s PM

  Dmitry Medvedev was confirmed as Russia’s prime minister during Wednesday’s parliamentary session, in which he highlighted economic reforms and tried, gamely but unsuccessfully, to keep president Vladimir Putin, his political mentor, from stealing the show.

  德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)在周三的国家杜马会议上被确认为俄罗斯总理。梅德韦杰夫在会议上强调了经济改革,并勇敢地试图阻止其政治导师弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)抢走自己的风头,但未能成功。

  Mr Putin named Mr Medvedev for the job following his inauguration on Monday as part of a political deal, cemented last year, in which the two men agreed to swap roles.


  Seated to Mr Medvedev’s left at the hearing, Mr Putin made it clear he was back in charge – he introduced Mr Medvedev to deputies, calling him “my choice” for the prime ministership. Then, following a barrage of hostile questions from deputies addressed to Mr Medvedev, the president fielded them one by one, at one point scolding the Duma deputies and saying: “I think my colleague Dmitry Anatolievich [Medvedev] is aware of all these issues.”


  Mr Medvedev, who was confirmed with 299 votes to 144 by the chamber, said he was “too humane” to answer all the deputies’ questions, following a speech that dragged on for the better part of an hour, highlighting budget caps, cultural spending, and health reform and other issues.


  The speech paid scant notice to street demonstrations against the Kremlin, which continued for a third day after clashes between riot police and demonstrators on Sunday left scores injured and 450 detained.


  Throughout the day, protesters played cat and mouse with police, who chased them out of the Kitai Gorod neighbourhood, near the Kremlin, on Wednesday morning, where up to 100 had been camping. They moved to a nearby park where they were allowed to play guitar and gather undisturbed until evening, as long as they did not engage in anti-Kremlin slogans and placard waving. As evening fell, they moved towards Pushkin square, which is dominated by a bronze statue of the Russian poet.

  抗议者一整天和警方玩起了猫捉老鼠的游戏。周三早间,警察把抗议者驱逐出靠近克林姆林宫的中国城(Kitai Gorod)街区——多达100名抗议者此前在那里安营扎寨。随后抗议者转移到了附近的一个公园。在公园里,他们被允许不受打扰地弹吉他和聚集——只要他们不呼喊反对克林姆林宫的口号或挥舞标语。随着夜幕降临,抗议者转移到了普希金广场——广场上耸立着这名俄罗斯诗人的铜像。

  In a nod to the opposition, Mr Medvedev invoked the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau and said he was ready to work with “all political forces” in Russia – perhaps including the street opposition. Mr Putin appeared to correct him afterwards, saying he wanted Mr Medvedev to work “with all social movements and parliamentary political parties”, a change of nuance seemingly limited to those with official registrations or with representation in parliament.

  梅德韦杰夫承认反对派的存在,他援引法国哲学家让-雅克·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)的话表示,他准备与俄罗斯的“所有政治力量”合作,或许包括街头反对派。随后普京似乎对他的话进行了纠正。普京表示,他希望梅德韦杰夫与“所有社会团体和议会政党”合作,这个细微的变动似乎将合作对象局限于那些经过官方注册或在议会拥有席位的团体。

  Experts said they would not necessarily translate Mr Medvedev’s statement into a suggestion of political dialogue. “I would pay no attention to grand statements,” said Masha Lipman, political expert at the Carnegie Moscow Center. “They [the Kremlin] have never showed any desire to talk to these people [the opposition].”

  专家们表示,他们不一定将梅德韦杰夫的话解读为政治对话的提议。莫斯科卡耐基中心(Carnegie Moscow Centre)的政治专家玛莎•李普曼(Masha Lipman)表示:“我不会关注冠冕堂皇的声明。他们(克林姆林宫)从未表现出与这些人(反对派)对话的意愿。”


本文关键字: 双语 时事 俄罗斯



