
2013-10-28 17:40:11来源:网络


  Ghana opposition says China loan is poor value for money

  Ghana would renegotiate a $3bn Chinese loan if the opposition New Patriotic party wins what are expected to be closely-fought presidential elections later this year in one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies.

  如果加纳反对党新爱国党(New Patriotic Party)在今年晚些时候预计将竞争激烈的总统大选中胜出,该国将就一笔30亿美元中国贷款的条款重新展开谈判。加纳是非洲增长最快的经济体之一。

  In an interview with the Financial Times, Nana Akufo-Addo, the NPP presidential candidate, took aim at new debt contracted by President John Atta-Mills’ government to finance gas pipelines and other infrastructure.

  新爱国党总统候选人纳纳•阿库福-阿多(Nana Akufo-Addo)在接受英国《金融时报》采访时,把矛头指向现任总统约翰•阿塔•米尔斯(John Atta Mills)的政府为建设输气管道和其他基础设施而签订的新借款。

  This includes the $3bn China Development Bank loan secured last year as part of a putative $13bn package of credit lines, one of the largest on offer as part of Beijing’s efforts to access natural resources and strengthen its commercial foothold in Africa.


  Ghana heads to the polls in December. The west African country – already rich in cocoa and gold – started to produce oil in 2010 and is one of the fastest-growing economies on the continent.


  Mr Akufo Addo’s comments suggest that China’s role in the country’s economy could become a hot issue in forthcoming polls.


  The NPP has criticised up-front management fees associated with the CDB loan, crude oil off-take agreements and a provision that at least 60 per cent of the works contracts must go to Chinese companies.


  The party has also questioned the rationale for financing the construction of gas pipelines and processing plants with debt when these could have been built commercially with costs recovered within five years.


  Mr Akufo-Addo, a lawyer and former foreign minister, said he had no objection to the provenance of the financing – the first $1bn of which was cleared by Beijing for disbursal last week. But he said he had “serious reservations” about whether the loan delivered value for money.


  “If it is necessary for us to renegotiate, if we think the original negotiations did not protect sufficiently the Ghanaian interest, we would have to have a look at it again,” he told the FT.


  Mr Akufo-Addo, whose party is broadly right of centre and pro-American, lost the 2008 elections by just 40,000 votes. His campaign has been buoyed by revelations about a businessman close to ruling party officials who was awarded millions of dollars in compensation for a contract he failed to win. The controversy, now under investigation, has dented the anti-corruption credentials of Mr Mills, a mild-mannered former tax authority boss.


  The discovery of oil in 2006 has buoyed the economy, which expanded by nearly 14 per cent last year, and bolstered Ghana’s strategic position in west Africa, sparking national debate about how best to leverage the attentions of competing foreign powers.


  In a thinly veiled critique of previousChinese projects, Mr Akufo-Addo said: “If we are going to build a road in Ghana let’s build one that lasts 20 or 30 years not just two or three years.” He voiced concern that Ghanaian laws limiting foreign involvement in trading were not being enforced, allowing Chinese traders to edge out local competitors in Ghanaian markets, a sore point in a growing number of African countries.


  “We want to have good relations with China but we have to have relations where the Ghanaian national interest is fully protected,” he said.


  Setting out a broader campaign stall, Mr Akufo-Addo said Ghana’s recent growth was impressive but inadequate because the economy was not delivering jobs. As president, he would seek to harness raw materials, traditionally exported, for manufacturing and to eliminate red tape to promote the private sector.



本文关键字: 双语 时事 加纳



