
2013-10-28 18:15:45来源:网络


  UN scrutinises N Korea images

  UN officials are studying images of military equipment paraded by North Korea at the weekend after a tip-off that one of the new missile launchers included significant Chinese technology that could put Beijing in breach of international sanctions against Pyongyang.


  The panel of experts that advises the UN Security Council’s sanctions committee, which is charged with monitoring compliance with UN resolutions passed in 2006 and 2009, is studying images of the transporter bearing a large new North Korean missile. The images were passed to the panel by IHS Jane’s, the military analysts.

  联合国安理会制裁委员会负责监督2006年和2009年通过的联合国决议的遵守情况。为该委员会提供咨询的一个专家小组正在研究朝鲜一款新式大型导弹的运输车的图片。这些图片是由军事分析机构简氏防务(IHS Jane’s)转交给该专家小组的。

  In an email seen by the Financial Times, a senior UN official close to the committee states his intention to pass the matter to the expert panel. The secretive panel rarely makes its findings public and has only investigated two similar cases, according to a report leaked last year. South Korean officials are also said to be studying the images.


  Past parades and intelligence have revealed Iranian involvement in North Korea’s big weapons programmes but not that of China, which maintains that it adheres to the sanctions regime. China is also integral to the diplomatic dialogue between Pyongyang, Washington, Japan, South Korea and the European Union.


  Marcus Noland, deputy director at the Petersen Institute for International Economics and an expert on North Korea, said China would lose its veil of “honest broker” if Beijing was found to be passing on military equipment or knowhow to North Korea in violation of resolutions it says it supports.

  位于华盛顿的彼得森国际经济研究所 (Petersen Institute for International Economics)副所长、朝鲜问题专家马库斯•诺兰(Marcus Noland)表示,如果北京方面被发现向朝鲜转移军事装备或技术专长、违反其宣称支持的联合国决议,那么中国将失去“诚实中间人”的招牌。

  “This would be really big, it really changes things. If China is seen to be violating Security Council sanctions by helping to militarise North Korea, it puts China in a different light and changes the diplomatic relations between it and South Korea, Japan and the US,” he said.


  “It would also heat up the US presidential election with [the Republican candidate Mitt] Romney going after [President Barack] Obama for being weak on China.”

  “这件事也将使美国总统竞选更趋激烈,(共和党候选人)米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)会指责巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)对中国太软弱。”

  The vehicle under examination is a transporter erector launcher, or TEL, that can carry, elevate to launch position and fire a missile. Some – though not all – analysts believe its main modifications are based on a design from the Ninth Academy of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, also known as the WoSang truck factory, which produces a series of TELs used to deploy short and medium-range ballistic missiles.

  各方密切关注的朝鲜导弹运输车是一种运输-架设-发射车(TEL),能够运输一枚导弹,使其进入发射位置,然后直接发射。一些(尽管不是全部)分析人士相信,其主要改良是基于中国航天科工集团公司第九研究院(Ninth Academy of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation)的一种设计,这个单位亦称为万山特种车辆有限公司,生产各型用于部署中短程弹道导弹的TEL车辆。

  If confirmed, China’s involvement could breach UN Security Council resolution 1874.


  However, the UN panel would have to show that the technology was passed to North Korea after the sanctions on major military equipment came into force in 2006. That could prove difficult unless the US, which has the world’s most sophisticated analysis capabilities, saw it in its interest to take up the issue.


  the UN’s sanction’s committee is made up of the members of the Security Council, which include the US and UK, neither the Pentagon nor the Ministry of Defence were willing to confirm their involvement.



本文关键字: 双语 时事 联合国



