
2013-10-28 18:18:55来源:网络


  Temasek buys ICBC stake from Goldman

  Temasek, the investment arm of the Singapore government, has increased its bet on China’s banking industry by buying a slice of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China from Goldman Sachs at a time when sentiment about the sector is increasingly bearish.

  淡马锡(Temasek)加大了对中国银行业的投资。就在外界对该行业的前景越来越悲观之际,这家新加坡政府的投资机构从高盛(Goldman Sachs)手中购得一部分中国工商银行(ICBC)的股份。

  The move by Temasek to increase its holding of ICBC to 1.3 per cent from virtually nothing will reduce a source of volatility from Goldman’s financial statements.


  In the third quarter of last year, a mark to market paper loss of $1bn on the firm’s stake in the big Chinese bank was enough to plunge Goldman’s Asian operations into the red. Following the deal, Goldman holds a 1.24 per cent stake in the bank.


  Goldman originally bought a 4.9 per cent stake in ICBC for $2.58bn in January 2006, before the bank went public. The investment was divided between Goldman funds under its private equity arm, Goldman’s own balance sheet, Goldman’s executives and Goldman clients.


  Since that time, there have been clashes between those who have wanted to keep the stake and those who thought the stake had too great an impact on Goldman’s performance, according to people familiar with the matter. Goldman reports first-quarter earnings today.


  Beijing has viewed with dismay the speed with which supposedly long-term strategic investors such as Bank of America and Royal Bank of Scotland flipped their shares in the big Chinese banks in the wake of the global financial crisis. By selling to Temasek, Goldman hopes to minimise Beijing’s ire.

  北京方面带着不悦的心情看到,本应成为中国各大银行长期战略投资者的外资银行,如美国银行(Bank of America)和苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland),在全球金融危机过后很快抛出了所持股份。高盛通过向淡马锡出售工行股份,希望尽量降低北京方面的不满。

  The last time Goldman sold a chunk of ICBC, in November last year, it sold to the market. “A single quality buyer like Temasek lessens the political problem,” said one person involved in the sale. “China does not like it when big stakes are sold to the market.”


  The initiative by Temasek will be welcomed by Beijing at a time when sentiment about the Chinese banking industry has become bearish because banks are considered proxies for economic growth, which is slowing in China . First-quarter gross domestic product came in at 8.1 per cent and Beijing has said it expects growth for the year to be just 7.5 per cent.


  Temasek, with a portfolio of more than $150bn as of March 31 2011, now holds stakes in three of the big four listed Chinese banks, balancing its long-term strategic commitment to the sector with opportunistic trading.


  In July Temasek made HK$9bn ($1.2bn) by selling shares in China Construction Bank at a 43 per cent premium to where it bought them in November 2010. It also sold some Bank of China shares and then bought some shares back just weeks later at a discount to the price at which it sold. Last year was a great one for Temasek, in part because of such opportunistic moves. It has gone a long way to restore its image as a savvy investor.

  去年7月,淡马锡通过出售中国建设银行(China Construction Bank)股份赚得90亿港元(合12亿美元),股票卖价与该机构在2010年11月购股时的买价相比,有43%的溢价。该机构还曾出售一部分中国银行(Bank of China)股票,然后在短短数周后以更低价格买回一部分中行股票。去年淡马锡业绩亮丽,部分原因就是这些投机性操作。该机构在恢复自己作为精明投资者的形象方面已取得长足进展。


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