Why Switzerland?
Switzerland is the first European destination on the list of countries I will visit after becoming China’s premier. In Chinese culture, being “first” always carries symbolic meaning. My choice of Switzerland is in no way haphazard: we have got a few important things to do here. They are all landmark events in China’s opening-up, and they all have something to do with Switzerland.
其一是推动中瑞自贸区进程。2010年我访问瑞士时,双方一致同意加快建立自贸区的准备工作。三年多来,两国的相关部门一直紧锣密鼓地推进谈判, 进行了九轮并最终结束了谈判。迈出这一步,瑞士将成为欧洲大陆和世界经济20强中首个与中国达成自贸协定的国家,其意义非同一般。
The first job is to secure progress in the building of China-Switzerland FTA. It was during my last visit in 2010 that the two countries agreed to speed up preparations for an FTA. Over the past three years and more, the relevant departments and agencies of the two countries have worked energetically in the negotiations, and reached the final conclusion after nine rounds of talks. With the advent of FTA, Switzerland will become the first country in continental Europe and the first of the world’s top 20 economies to reach an FTA with China, the implications of which will be significant.
去年,中瑞贸易达到263亿美元,其中瑞士对华出口228亿美元,如果平均到每个瑞士人就是2800美元。达成一个高水平的中瑞自贸协定,中国付 出了很多 努力。这充分说明,中国对外开放的步伐不会停顿,中国坚持维护多边贸易体制、积极推动区域贸易自由化、加快实施自由贸易区战略的决心坚定不移。达成一个高 水平的中瑞自贸协定,也等于是树立一个好的标杆,不仅会促进两国经贸合作全面升级,而且会向世界发出反对贸易和投资保护主义、倡导贸易自由化便利化的强有 力信号,给中欧经贸关系深化带来新的动力,给两国消费者和企业带来实实在在的好处,也有利于世界贸易振兴和经济复苏。
Last year, two-way trade reached 26.3 billion U.S. dollars, including 22.8 billion dollars of Swiss exports to China. That is to say, every Swiss man, woman and child exported 2,800 dollars to China. To conclude this high-quality FTA agreement with Switzerland, China has made tremendous effort. It fully demonstrates that China will not stall in its opening-up and that it is firmly committed to upholding the multilateral trading regime, vigorously promoting regional trade liberalization, and accelerating the implementation of the FTA strategy. Moreover, a high-quality FTA agreement between China and Switzerland will also set a good example. It will not only upgrade our business and investment cooperation but also send a powerful message to the rest of the world that we reject trade and investment protectionism and instead embrace trade liberalization and facilitation. It will inject fresh impetus into China-EU business ties, bring tangible benefits to consumers and businesses in both our countries, and contribute to world trade and economic recovery.
其二是加强双方金融领域交流与合作。瑞士长于金融,管理经验丰富,被称为银行密度最高的国家。与瑞方加强金融监管、宏观政策和完善资本市场体系等 方面的合作,是中国开放型经济发展的客观需要。中国正在深化金融业改革开放,包括稳步推进利率市场化改革以及人民币资本项目可兑换、建立个人投资者境外投 资制度、完善金融监管机制等,这将为两国金融企业互动发展提供新的机遇。同时,中瑞可以在国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国际金融机构中携手合作,为维护国 际金融稳定和促进世界经济增长发挥“1+1大于2”的作用。
The second job is to step up financial exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. Switzerland boasts the highest density of banks. It has a strong financial industry and rich regulatory experience. Enhancing cooperation with Switzerland in financial regulation, macroeconomic policy making, capital market development and other areas is consistent with China’s need for further development of its open economy. China is introducing more reform and opening-up to its financial sector, including steadily advancing market-oriented reform of the interest rate, making RMB convertible under the capital account, putting in place a system of overseas investment by individual investors, and improving financial regulatory regime. All this will provide new opportunities for interactions and growth of our financial firms. At the same time, China and Switzerland can work together at the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other international financial institutions, so as to make greater contribution to maintaining international financial stability and promoting world economic growth.
其三是进一步增进两国互信与理解。中瑞关系和务实合作能够达到什么高度,既取决于能否抓住新的机遇,更取决于能否提高双方互信和理解的层次。瑞士 是首批与新中国建交的西方国家之一,中国改革开放后第一家工业性合资企业就是与瑞士合作成立的,瑞士又在欧洲国家中较早承认了中国市场经济地位。这些都构 成了彼此信任的基础。中瑞合作要走得更好更远,需要我们做的事情还有很多。希望这次访问不仅能深化领导人之间的了解和互信,而且能提高彼此国家在对方民众 中的认知度,在民间交往的广阔天地播下更多友好的种子。
The third job is to enhance mutual trust and understanding. How high we can go in developing our relations and our practical cooperation hinges on our ability to seize new opportunities, and more importantly, on whether or not we can reach a higher level of mutual trust and understanding. Switzerland is among the first Western countries to have established diplomatic relations with New China. The very first industrial joint venture China entered into after the beginning of reform and opening up was one with Switzerland. Switzerland is also one of the first group of European countries that recognize China’s market economy status. All these constitute the basis of our mutual trust. But to go still higher, we need to do a lot more. I hope my visit here will not only deepen the understanding and trust at the leadership level, but also increase the awareness and recognition at the public level of our respective countries, thus planting more seeds of friendship for exchanges between the two peoples.
关于中国发展的机遇,请允许我简短罗列以下几个具体事例:2012年中国的GDP按可比价算是2000年的3.2倍,翻了一番还多;到2020年 通过努力在2010年的基础上再翻一番,需年均增长7%左右。今后五年,中国将进口10万亿美元左右的商品,对外投资规模将达到5000亿美元。中国正在 积极稳妥地推进城镇化,数亿农民转化为城镇人口会释放更大的市场需求。这些都表明,中国经济发展的前景十分广阔,也会给包括瑞士在内的各国发展带来更多机 遇。
As for what opportunities China’s development can offer, I will let the figures speak for themselves: China’s 2012 GDP, in comparable terms, more than doubled that of 2000, registering an increase of 3.2 times. To double the GDP of 2010 by 2020, China will need to sustain an annual growth rate of around 7 percent. Over the next five years, China will import some 10 trillion dollars worth of goods from the rest of the world, and its overseas investment will reach 500 billion dollars. By vigorously advancing urbanization in a steady manner, China will see hundreds of millions of its rural population turn into urban residents, unleashing increasing market demand along the way. All these underscore the enormous prospect of China’s economic development and the growth opportunities it will bring to Switzerland and other countries.
关于中国政府的政策,我愿强调:对内,我们全面深化市场化取向的改革,释放改革的红利,持续发展经济,不断改善民生,促进社会公正,努力使人人享 有平等的机会。对外,我们始终不渝走和平发展道路,奉行互利共赢的开放战略,扩大对外开放的领域和空间,特别是扩大服务业对外开放,以开放促改革、促发 展、促转型。
As for the policies of the Chinese government, I just want to emphasize the following: domestically, we will make an all-around effort to deepen market-oriented reform, unleash the dividends of reform, continue to grow the economy, improve people’s livelihood, promote social equity and ensure equal opportunities for all. Externally, we will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and pursue a win-win strategy of opening-up. We will open up more areas and sectors, the services sector in particular, so as to facilitate China’s reform, development and economic transformation.
如果有人还受到中瑞间一些差异和分歧的困扰,我想大可不必。中国正在致力于发展经济、保障人权、依法治国。由于历史文化背景和发展阶段的不同,中 瑞间存在一些差异在所难免。但尺有所短,寸有所长,取长补短方能优势互补。我们应在相互尊重的基础上,深化沟通与交流,增进相互理解,平和地看待对方,借 此不断做大共同利益,实现互利共赢。
For those who are still baffled by the differences between China and Switzerland, I just want to say that it is totally unnecessary. China is working to secure growth, protect human rights and promote rule of law. Due to diversity of history, cultural background and stage of development, it is hardly avoidable that the two countries have some differences. Just as a Chinese saying goes, an inch has its length and a foot sometimes falls short. Only through mutual learning can we draw on each other’s comparative strength. We should always show mutual respect, increase communication and exchanges, enhance mutual understanding, look at each other with an open mind, and steadily expand our common interests for win-win results.
我对三年前作为中国国务院副总理访瑞记忆犹新。前后四天的行程中,与政府领导人深谈,与企业家会面,还在漫天大雪中出席了达沃斯论坛年会,日程很 充实也很有收获。现在国际金融危机的阴影还未消散,各国需要继续同舟共济、共克时艰,不搞贸易和投资保护主义,尤其是不能动辄就用“双反”措施,还要避免 量化宽松货币政策产生的负面溢出效应。
My last visit to Switzerland three years ago as China’s vice premier remains fresh in my memory. During the four days, I had in-depth discussions with government leaders and meetings with entrepreneurs, and braving a heavy snow, I went to Davos for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. The visit was both substantive and rewarding. Now that the shadow of the international financial crisis is still there, countries must continue to work in unison in this time of difficulties, refrain from adopting trade and investment protectionism, the frequent use of anti-dumping and countervailing measures in particular, and guard against the negative spillover effects of the monetary policy of quantitative easing.
As for the current visit, I have given it a lot of thoughts, and there are many things I wanted to do. But my time in Switzerland is limited, and it’s impossible to do everything. For cooperation to deliver concrete results, we need the enterprises, the communities and the government of both countries to make joint efforts. Indeed, our two sides have already done very well in this respect, but we can do better.
That is why I have chosen to visit Switzerland.
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