President Obama's Address at 67th U.N. General Assembly
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentleman: I would like to begin today by telling you about an American named Chris Stevens.
Chris was born in a town called Grass Valley, California, the son of a lawyer and a musician. As a young man, Chris joined the Peace Corps, and taught English in Morocco. And he came to love and respect the people of North Africa and the Middle East. He would carry that commitment throughout his life. As a diplomat, he worked from Egypt to Syria, from Saudi Arabia to Libya. He was known for walking the streets of the cities where he worked -- tasting the local food, meeting as many people as he could, speaking Arabic, listening with a broad smile.
克里斯出生在加利福尼亚州格拉斯山谷镇,父母是律师和音乐家。克里斯年轻时参加了和平队,在摩洛哥教英语。他对北非和中东人民的感情和敬意油然而生。他立 志终身坚持自己的这份承诺。他作为一名外交官,足迹遍及埃及、叙利亚、沙特阿拉伯、利比亚等国。人们都知道,他常常在他工作的城市深入大街小巷,尝尝当地 的食品,尽可能多地与居民见面,用阿拉伯语交谈和倾听,脸上带着灿烂的笑容。
Chris went to Benghazi in the early days of the Libyan revolution, arriving on a cargo ship. As America’s representative, he helped the Libyan people as they coped with violent conflict, cared for the wounded, and crafted a vision for the future in which the rights of all Libyans would be respected. And after the revolution, he supported the birth of a new democracy, as Libyans held elections, and built new institutions, and began to move forward after decades of dictatorship.
在利比亚革命初期,克里斯搭乘一艘货轮前往班加西工作。他作为美国的代表,帮助利比亚人民解决暴力冲突,为伤病员提供护理,同时酝酿了未来全体利比亚人的 权利都应该得到尊重的目标。革命结束后,他支持新诞生的民主政体,此时利比亚人举行了选举,努力建设新的制度,在摆脱数十年专制统治后开始奋勇向前。
Chris Stevens loved his work. He took pride in the country he served, and he saw dignity in the people that he met. And two weeks ago, he traveled to Benghazi to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital. That’s when America’s compound came under attack. Along with three of his colleagues, Chris was killed in the city that he helped to save. He was 52 years old.
克里斯热爱自己的工作。他为自己服务的国家感到骄傲。他在所见到的人们身上看见了尊严。 两个星期前,他前往班加西考察有关新建文化中心和一所医院现代化改造的计划。正在这个时候,美国使团驻地遭到袭击。克里斯曾为保全这所城市尽了力,结果和其他3 位同事在这里被害,时年52岁。
I tell you this story because Chris Stevens embodied the best of America. Like his fellow Foreign Service officers, he built bridges across oceans and cultures, and was deeply invested in the international cooperation that the United Nations represents. He acted with humility, but he also stood up for a set of principles -- a belief that individuals should be free to determine their own destiny, and live with liberty, dignity, justice, and opportunity.
我向诸位讲述这段经历,是因为克里斯·史蒂文斯体现了美国的最佳风貌。他与其他外交服务系统的官员一样,跨越大洋和文化架桥铺路,全身心投入联合国体现的国际合作。他为人谦逊,但坚持一系列原则 – 坚信人人都应该自行决定自己的命运,过上享有自由、尊严、公正和机会的生活。
The attacks on the civilians in Benghazi were attacks on America. We are grateful for the assistance we received from the Libyan government and from the Libyan people. There should be no doubt that we will be relentless in tracking down the killers and bringing them to justice. And I also appreciate that in recent days, the leaders of other countries in the region -- including Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen -- have taken steps to secure our diplomatic facilities, and called for calm. And so have religious authorities around the globe.
But understand, the attacks of the last two weeks are not simply an assault on America. They are also an assault on the very ideals upon which the United Nations was founded -- the notion that people can resolve their differences peacefully; that diplomacy can take the place of war; that in an interdependent world, all of us have a stake in working towards greater opportunity and security for our citizens.
If we are serious about upholding these ideals, it will not be enough to put more guards in front of an embassy, or to put out statements of regret and wait for the outrage to pass. If we are serious about these ideals, we must speak honestly about the deeper causes of the crisis -- because we face a choice between the forces that would drive us apart and the hopes that we hold in common.
我们如果认真坚持这些理想,就没有必要在使馆门口配备更多的警卫,也没有必要发布表示哀悼的声明,或者等待愤怒的情绪逐渐平息。我们如果认真坚持这些理 想,就必须坦率地分析这场危机更深层的原因,因为我们面临着抉择,一边是助长我们分裂的势力,另一边是我们共同拥有的希望。
Today, we must reaffirm that our future will be determined by people like Chris Stevens -- and not by his killers. Today, we must declare that this violence and intolerance has no place among our United Nations.
It has been less than two years since a vendor in Tunisia set himself on fire to protest the oppressive corruption in his country, and sparked what became known as the Arab Spring. And since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that’s taken place, and the United States has supported the forces of change.
We were inspired by the Tunisian protests that toppled a dictator, because we recognized our own beliefs in the aspiration of men and women who took to the streets.
We insisted o
n change in Egypt, because our support for democracy ultimately put us on the side of the people.
We supported a transition of leadership in Yemen, because the interests of the people were no longer being served by a corrupt status quo.
We intervened in Libya alongside a broad coalition, and with the mandate of the United Nations Security Council, because we had the ability to stop the slaughter of innocents, and because we believed that the aspirations of the people were more powerful than a tyrant.
And as we meet here, we again declare that the regime of Bashar al-Assad must come to an end so that the suffering of the Syrian people can stop and a new dawn can begin.
We have taken these positions because we believe that freedom and self-determination are not unique to one culture. These are not simply American values or Western values -- they are universal values. And even as there will be huge challenges to come with a transition to democracy, I am convinced that ultimately government of the people, by the people, and for the people is more likely to bring about the stability, prosperity, and individual opportunity that serve as a basis for peace in our world.
我们采取这些立场是因为我们相信,自由和自决并不专属于某一种文化。这些并不专属于美国的价值观或西方的价值观—而是普遍的价值观。即使向民主的过渡仍将 面临巨大的挑战,我坚信归根结底“民有、民治、民享的政府更有可能创造稳定、繁荣和个人机会,为我们这个世界的和平奠定基础。
So let us remember that this is a season of progress. For the first time in decades, Tunisians, Egyptians and Libyans voted for new leaders in elections that were credible, competitive, and fair. This democratic spirit has not been restricted to the Arab world. Over the past year, we’ve seen peaceful transitions of power in Malawi and Senegal, and a new President in Somalia. In Burma, a President has freed political prisoners and opened a closed society, a courageous dissident has been elected to parliament, and people look forward to further reform. Around the globe, people are making their voices heard, insisting on their innate dignity, and the right to determine their future.
为此,让我们记住,这是一个取得进步的时期。突尼斯、埃及和利比亚几十年来第一次为推选新领导人举行可信的、经过竞选程序的公平选举。这种民主精神并不只 限于阿拉伯世界。过去这一年,我们看到马拉维和塞内加尔出现权力的和平转移,索马里有了一位新总统。在缅甸,总统释放了政治犯,开放了封闭的社会,一位勇 敢的持不同政见者被选入议会,人民正期待未来进行的改革。在全球各地,人民正在发出自己的声音,坚决要求维护固有的尊严和决定自己未来的权利。
And yet the turmoil of recent weeks reminds us that the path to democracy does not end with the casting of a ballot. Nelson Mandela once said: "To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." (Applause.)
True democracy demands that citizens cannot be thrown in jail because of what they believe, and that businesses can be opened without paying a bribe. It depends on the freedom of citizens to speak their minds and assemble without fear, and on the rule of law and due process that guarantees the rights of all people.
In other words, true democracy -- real freedom -- is hard work. Those in power have to resist the temptation to crack down on dissidents. In hard economic times, countries must be tempted -- may be tempted to rally the people around perceived enemies, at home and abroad, rather than focusing on the painstaking work of reform.
Moreover, there will always be those that reject human progress -- dictators who cling to power, corrupt interests that depend on the status quo, and extremists who fan the flames of hate and division. From Northern Ireland to South Asia, from Africa to the Americas, from the Balkans to the Pacific Rim, we’ve witnessed convulsions that can accompany transitions to a new political order.
At time, the conflicts arise along the fault lines of race or tribe. And often they arise from the difficulties of reconciling tradition and faith with the diversity and interdependence of the modern world. In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening; in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask themselves how much they’re willing to tolerate freedom for others.
That is what we saw play out in the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. Now, I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.
It is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well -- for as the city outside these walls makes clear, we are a country that has welcomed people of every race and every faith. We are home to Muslims who worship across our country. We not only respect the freedom of religion, we have laws that protect individuals from being harmed because of how they look or what they believe. We understand why people take offense to this video because millions of our citizens are among them.
这不仅是对穆斯林的玷污,也是对美国的玷污,因为正如会场外面的这座城市所展现的,我们是一个热情接纳不同种族和不同信仰的人的国家。我们是全美各地虔诚 礼拜的穆斯林的家园。我们不仅尊重宗教自由,我们还制定了保护个人不因外表或信仰而受到伤害的法律。我们理解为什么人们因这段视频而受到冒犯,因为这些人 中包括我们的数百万同胞。
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