
2014-04-25 14:44:21来源:可可英语

  For years, Chinese property has been a sure bet for savvy investors looking to ride the country's economic surge.


  Now, some of the best-known names in Chinese investing are cutting back, at least for the present.


  Since September, Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing, widely considered Asia's richest man, has sold office and shopping-mall projects in the cities of Shanghai and Guangzhou. Businessman Richard Li, his son, sold a prime piece of real estate, a mixed-use complex in Beijing's Sanlitun shopping district, for US$928 million in early April.

  去年9月份以来,被视为亚洲首富的香港大亨李嘉诚卖出了位于上海和广州的写字楼和商场项目。他的次子李泽楷(Richard Li)则在今年4月初以9.28亿美元价格出售了位于北京三里屯的一处综合物业。

  Soho China Ltd., which develops property only in Beijing and Shanghai, sold two office projects in Shanghai in February for 5.23 billion yuan (US$837 million) in total.

  今年2月份,只在北京和上海两地发展房地产项目的SOHO中国有限公司(Soho China Ltd.)以人民币52.3亿元(约合8.37亿美元)的价格出售了上海的两个写字楼项目。

  The move to sell real-estate projects 'is looking like a really smart call right now,' said Colin Bogar, managing director of real-estate private-equity firm MGI Pacific. Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., one of the elder Mr. Li's main property businesses, didn't respond to several requests for comment.

  房地产私募股权投资公司MGI Pacific董事总经理博加尔(Colin Bogar)称,目前看来,抛售房地产项目确实是明智之举。李嘉诚旗下的和记黄埔有限公司(Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.)没有回复记者的置评请求。

  The Chinese property market appears to be softening along with the rest of the country's economy. Developers are cutting residential prices in small cities as economists warn of overcapacity. Many property companies are also facing tightening credit, lower returns, slower demand for homes and intensifying competition amid a deepening supply glut.


  According to property-consulting company Savills China, the average selling price of Grade A office space in Shanghai reached 60,000 yuan per square meter in March, up 1.4% from a year earlier and up 65% since March 2010.

  据地产咨询公司第一太平戴维斯中国(Savills China)介绍,今年3月份,上海甲级写字楼每平米售价达到人民币6万元,较上年同期上涨1.4%,较2010年3月上涨65%。

  But rents haven't grown as quickly. In Beijing and Shanghai, average gross yields--annual returns on investments before tax--on office buildings have fallen from a year earlier, according to data from property agency Cushman & Wakefield.

  但租金的上涨速度却没那么快。地产咨询机构高纬环球(Cushman & Wakefield)的数据显示,北京和上海两地写字楼的毛收益率(税前年投资回报率)已较上年下降。

  'Such low rental returns have caused some investors to reconsider their investment options in this sector and geographical area,' said Kent Fong, acting head of capital markets at Cushman & Wakefield in Shanghai.

  高纬环球驻上海的资本市场主管Kent Fong说,如此之低的租金回报已经促使部分投资者重新考虑在这一领域和地理区域上的投资选择。

  Overall, investment in China's commercial real-estate markets totaled $3 billion in the first quarter of this year, down 18% from the same period a year earlier, according to Jones Lang LaSalle, a property consultancy. The decline is the biggest since the fourth quarter of 2012, when investment fell 57%.

  据地产咨询公司仲量联行(Jones Lang Lasalle)称,今年第一季度,中国商业地产市场的总投资规模为30亿美元,较上年同期下降18%。这是2012年第四季度以来的最大降幅,当时中国商业地产的投资规模下降了57%。

  Housing sales in the first quarter fell 7.7% compared with a year earlier, totaling 1.11 trillion yuan, according to government data.


  Of course, for every sale there is a purchase, often by investors who view the current dip as a chance to buy low. 'We see a wonderful opportunity,' said Humbert Pang, managing principal for Gaw Capital Partners, a private-equity firm.

  当然,有卖就有买,买方通常是将当前价格下探视为逢低买进机会的投资者。私募股权投资公司基汇资本(Gaw Capital Partners)执行合伙人彭庆邦(Humbert Pang)表示,他们认为现在是买入良机。



