
2014-04-25 14:44:21来源:可可英语

  His firm purchased Pacific Century Place, the retail, office and serviced- apartment project in Beijing's Sanlitun that the younger Mr. Li sold this month.


  The sellers have had fortunate timing before. In 2004, Li Ka-shing's Hutchison Whampoa developed a 40-story Shanghai office tower called The Center and sold it to Hong Kong-based private investor Asia Pacific Land in June 2008 for 4.9 billion yuan. Asia Pacific Land sold it for 4.4 billion yuan in March 2011, but managed to offset the loss from gains in the Chinese currency, according to people familiar with the matter at that time.

  Imaginechina/Associated Press2008年,李嘉诚旗下的和记黄埔出售了上海世纪商贸广场。房地产卖家过去也遇到过好时机。2004年,李嘉诚旗下的和记黄埔开发了40层的上海世纪商贸广场,并于2008年6月以人民币49亿元的价格将其出售给总部位于香港的私营投资公司亚太置地(Asia Pacific Land)。知情人士称,亚太置地于2011年3月将该项目以人民币44亿元的价格出售,但人民币汇兑收益帮助该公司抵消了售价上的损失。

  Soho China also sold its projects for more than it paid. It paid a total of 4.07 billion yuan in 2011 for the two projects that it sold, still unfinished, for 5.23 billion yuan in February. Sales of entire buildings by the company are rare; in the past, it has focused on selling individual office units.


  More property developers are going abroad in search of fatter profit margins, according to Zhang Xin, Soho China's chief executive officer. At a forum this month, she highlighted the high cost of financing in China, saying that while rental returns from projects in Beijing and Shanghai are only 5%, interest on bank loans is 7%. 'I lose 2%,' she said.


  She added that in Manhattan, the rental yield is 5% but the cost of financing is only 2%. In a private purchase lastyear, Ms. Zhang bought a stake in the General Motors building in Manhattan with a partner from Brazil.

  她补充说,在曼哈顿,租金收益率为5%,但融资成本仅为2%。去年,张欣和来自巴西的合作伙伴收购了曼哈顿通用汽车大厦(General Motors Building)的股份。

  Ms. Zhang told The Wall Street Journal last month that the firm has cash totaling 22 billion yuan ready, waiting for a market correction. 'We saw the first wave of credit crunch last summer,' she said. 'We already sensed that it is going to get worse and liquidity is going to dry up.'


  In October, the elder Mr. Li, through his Hutchison Whampoa and Cheung Kong (Holdings) vehicles, sold the 31-story Oriental Financial Center in Shanghai's Lujiazui district for US$1.16 billion to Bank of Communications Co. and Everbright Group. A month earlier, the same units said they were selling Metropolitan Plaza, a shopping mall in Guangzhou, for 3 billion Hong Kong dollars (US$387 million).

  Rolento Photography for The Wall Street Journal2013年10月份,李嘉诚以11.6亿美元的价格出售了上海陆家嘴31层楼的东方汇经中心。去年10月份,李嘉诚通过旗下和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa)和长江实业(Cheung Kong (Holdings))以11.6亿美元的价格将上海陆家嘴31层楼的东方汇经中心(Oriental Financial Center)卖给了交通银行(Bank of Communications Co.)和光大集团(Everbright Group)。此前一个月,和记黄埔和长江实业表示将以30亿港元(合3.87亿美元)出售广州购物中心西城都荟(Metropolitan Plaza)。

  Not everyone thinks that values have peaked. Mr. Pang, of Gaw Capital, said the US$928 million price tag for Pacific Century Place translates to less than 34,000 yuan per square meter. 'You can't find another piece of land at the same location at that price,' he said, adding that his firm is 'good at extracting value.'




