
2014-05-04 11:42:38来源:可可英语

  The Chinese government stripped popular Internet portal Sina Corp. of two online-publication and distribution licenses, official media said on Thursday, as a government crackdown on Internet pornography intensified.

  中国官方媒体周四报道,中国政府决定吊销新浪公司(Sina Corp.)有关互联网出版和网络传播视听节目的两份许可证。目前中国政府对互联网采取了更大力度的“扫黄打非”行动。

  Sina, which controls the popular Weibo social-media service along with many widely read news portals, was found to have released 20 articles and four videos that contained lewd content, according to China's official Xinhua News Agency. China's State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television said it would revoke the company's license to publish newspapers, magazines and books online, as well as its license to publish audio and video, according to Xinhua.

  据中国官方媒体新华社报道,有关部门发现新浪登载了20部淫秽色情互联网作品及四部色情互联网视听节目。报道称,国家新闻出版广电总局决定吊销新浪的《互联网出版许可证》和《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》。新浪拥有广受欢迎的新浪微博(Weibo)社交媒体平台,同时也拥有许多高浏览量新闻门户网站。   Beijing-based Sina didn't respond to requests for comment. On its websites on Thursday the company apologized to 'Internet users and all parts of society,' and added that it is working closely with the government to respond to the antipornography campaign and remove problematic content.


  Sina generates revenue mostly through the sale of ads on its news, entertainment and video web portals. Its website, including video content, appeared to be operating normally on Thursday. Sina's online video operation is small, so a shutdown would be unlikely to have a major impact on the company.


  The government attack on lewd content in China comes amid a sustained government crackdown on online discourse. Beginning last autumn the government has warned and punished a number of well-known social-media commentators. It also said it would crack down on the spread of what it says are rumors and personal attacks online. Critics say the moves are aimed at quashing dissent and the discussion of sensitive topics.


  Still, the suspension of Sina's licenses marks the first time the government has used its annual campaigns to go after the country's largest listed Internet companies. In the past, sites would be taken down and social-media accounts suspended, but the operations of companies like Sina were generally left alone. The move likely sends a signal to China's other major Internet companies and news portals to ensure that their platforms do not feature prurient content.


  Many of the problematic commentators were on Weibo, which this month publicly listed in New York. Sina still holds a controlling stake in the business, Weibo Corp.


  The renewed attention on controlling the Internet has become a key characteristic of the presidency of new Chinese leader Xi Jinping. In February the Chinese Communist Party set up an Internet-security committee led by Mr. Xi and other top party officials to focus on cybersecurity and guide public opinion online.


  Although China carries out annual campaigns to combat the distribution of lewd content over the Internet, the most recent crackdown has been significantly more severe than those of recent years. Known as the 'Cleaning the Web 2014' campaign, thus far it has led to the shutdown of 110 websites and 3,300 accounts on China-based social networking services like Weibo and Tencent Holdings Ltd.'s smartphone messaging application WeChat, according to Xinhua.

  虽然中国每年都会发起打击互联网低俗内容传播的行动,但近期的这一场行动要比最近几年的任何一次行动都更加严厉。新华社称,这场名为“净网2014”(Cleaning the Web 2014)的专项行动开展以来,已经有110个网站和3,300个中国社交网络服务账号被查处,其中包括微博和腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings Ltd., 简称:腾讯控股)旗下的智能手机通信应用微信(Wechat)上的一些账号。




