双语新闻:美制裁俄石油高管 欧美能源巨头处境尴尬

2014-05-04 14:09:23来源:可可英语

  The U.S. Monday added Igor Sechin, a Putin ally and head of state-controlled oil giant Rosneft, to its sanctions list, complicating the delicate dance U.S. and European energy giants have had to engage in amid the standoff between the West and Moscow.

  在俄罗斯国有石油公司Rosneft担任主管的普京(Putin)亲信谢钦(Igor Sechin)周一被美国列入制裁名单,意味着在西方与莫斯科对峙中走钢丝的欧美能源巨头将面临更加复杂的处境。

  The most exposed company is U.K. oil company BP PLC, which has a 19.75% stake in Rosneft. Last year, it sold its stake in its previous Russian joint venture for $11.8 billion in cash plus shares in the state-controlled oil giant. Mr. Sechin owns 0.13% of Rosneft, making him the company's third-largest shareholder after the Russian state and BP.

  相关阅读专题:乌克兰危机受影响最大的是英国石油公司(BP PLC),这家公司持有Rosneft 19.75%的股份。去年,英国石油公司出售了其俄罗斯合资公司的股份,换得118亿美元现金和Rosneft的股票。谢钦持有0.13%的Rosneft股份,为仅次于俄罗斯政府和英国石油公司的第三大股东。

  BP also gained a seat on Rosneft's nine-member board, currently held by BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley. Under the terms of the U.S. sanctions, BP wouldn't be barred from dealing with Rosneft, though Mr Dudley, an American citizen, would be unable to have direct business dealings with Mr. Sechin.

  英国石油公司还在Rosneft的九人董事会中获得一个席位,目前由英国石油首席执行长达德利(Bob Dudley)出任这一董事。根据美国制裁条款,英国石油与Rosneft的交易不会被禁止,但身为美国公民的达德利将不得与谢钦有直接的商业往来。

  'U.S. persons cannot do business with sanctioned people or entities,' a U.S. treasury spokeswoman said.


  BP said Monday that it remained committed to its investment and intended to be 'a successful, long-term investor in Russia.'


  'We are considering today's announcement to see specifically what this may mean for BP. We will, of course, comply with all relevant sanctions, ' the company said.


  Mr. Dudley said earlier this month that BP would continue to seek ways of developing its business in Russia even as tensions grow over the crisis in Ukraine. Its share of Rosneft's proven reserves already amounts to 5 billion barrels of oil and 9 trillion cubic feet of gas, while Rosneft contributed $2.2 billion to BP's earnings last year. BP's shares fell 1.0% on Monday, while Rosneft's shares fell 1.7% in Moscow.


  Mr. Sechin himself seemed unperturbed by the sanctions. 'I view Washington's latest steps as a high assessment of the effectiveness of our [Rosneft's] work and assure our shareholders and partners, including American ones, that this effectiveness won't be reduced and our cooperation won't suffer but will develop dynamically,' he said in a statement.


  While BP is the largest foreign investor in Russia's oil sector, other major oil companies have increased their exposure there in recent years.


  Hunting for oil in Russia is one of the most promising global prospects for Exxon Mobil Corp. The company struck a deal with Rosneft in 2011, signed in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to explore Russia's Arctic seas and shale in western Siberia, which could hold billions of barrels of crude. The agreement has been expanded to include the Black Sea and a swath of the Arctic bigger than Texas.

  在俄罗斯进行石油勘探是埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp.)在全球最具前景的业务之一。2011年该公司在普京面前与Rosneft签署协议,对俄罗斯的北冰洋海域和西伯利亚西部的页岩进行勘探,这些区域或蕴藏着数十亿桶的原油。这一协议已拓展至黑海和北冰洋一块面积比德克萨斯州还大的海域。

  Exxon will foot most of the more than $3.2 billion in exploration costs and a majority of the costs for a $450 million Arctic research facility in St. Petersburg.

  勘探费用超过32亿美元,另外在 彼得堡建立北冰洋研究机构耗资4.5亿美元,这两项费用大部份将由埃克森美孚承担。

  Exxon doesn't disclose how much oil and gas it pumps in Russia, but analysts at Raymond James estimate the oil behemoth's operations there accounted for 6% of its production last year. That output is set to rise this year with an expansion to its project on Sakhalin Island, Russia's largest offshore oil and gas facility.

  埃克森美孚并未透露其在俄罗斯的油气产量,但Raymond James的分析师估计该石油巨头在当地的业务占其去年产量的6%。按计划公司今年在俄罗斯的产量还将上升,并将扩建其在萨哈林岛的油气项目。萨哈林岛拥有俄罗斯最大的离岸油气设施。

  Rosneft's board on Monday approved the development of two Arctic fields, Russian media reported.


  Last year, Rosneft said it acquired a 30% interest in 20 blocks leased by Exxon in the Gulf of Mexico's deep waters, though Exxon remained the active partner.


  An Exxon spokesman declined to comment Monday on the sanctions against Mr. Sechin.


  In March, Exxon Chief Executive Rex Tillerson said the company's progress in Russia was on track but could be affected by government action. 'Other than things like sanctions, which have affected us before, we do not see any new challenges out of the current situation,' he said at the company's annual meeting for analysts in New York.

  今年3月份,埃克森美孚首席执行长蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)表示,该公司在俄罗斯的业务已走上轨道,但有可能会受到政府措施的影响。他在纽约举行的分析师年度会议上称,过去公司业务曾受制裁影响,但除此之外,就目前形势而言,该公司并未看到任何新的挑战。

  Royal Dutch Shell PLC has a small stake in a Caspian oil pipeline in a joint venture with Rosneft. And Norwegian oil company Statoil ASA has joint projects with Rosneft in the Russian part of the Barents Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. Its chief executive, Helge Lund, met with Mr. Sechin in Norway as recently as March 31.

  荷兰皇家壳牌有限公司(Royal Dutch Shell PLC)与Rosneft在里海共同经营一家合资油气管道公司,荷兰皇家壳牌持有该合资项目的少数股权。挪威国家石油公司(Statoil ASA)与Rosneft也有合作,合资项目位于巴伦支海俄罗斯海域和鄂霍茨克海。挪威国家石油公司首席执行长伦德(Helge Lund) 3月31日刚与谢钦在挪威举行过会面。

  Besides major oil companies, commodities trading giants Glencore Xstrata PLC, Vitol Group and Trafigura Beheer BV all have close ties with Rosneft. Last year, the three firms all agreed long-term oil supply deals with Rosneft that included billions of dollars in prepayments to the Russian state-owned company. In addition, Glencore Xstrata lent Rosneft $500 million.

  除石油业巨头,大宗商品贸易巨头嘉能可(Glencore Xstrata PLC)、Vitol Group以及托克(Trafigura Beheer BV)均与Rosneft有密切的业务关系。去年,上述三家公司同意与Rosneft达成长期的石油供应协议,协议内容包括向这家俄罗斯国有企业支付数十亿美元的预付款项。此外,嘉能可还向Rosneft提供了5亿美元贷款。

  A Glencore spokesman declined to comment on what impact, if any, personal sanctions against Mr. Sechin would have on their business.


  A Trafigura spokeswoman said the company was monitoring the situation but did 'not believe this move has any impact on our existing business with Rosneft.' A spokeswoman for Vitol said the company 'always complies with all sanctions.'




