《生活大爆炸》等剧遭下架 但中国不会下架所有美剧

2014-05-04 14:16:22来源:可可英语

  China's TV regulators silenced some popular U.S. TV shows, such as 'The Big Bang Theory' and 'The Good Wife,' on Chinese video websites over the weekend. Now many want to know whether more will be pulled, and the popular practice of watching foreign shows on streaming websites will go down the tubes.

  刚刚过去的这个周末,《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)、《傲骨贤妻》(The Good Wife)等一些中国视频网站上的热门美剧被电视监管机构勒令下架。现在许多人都想知道是否更多美剧还会被撤下,以及通过流媒体网站观看外国电视剧的这种流行做法是不是将被扼杀。

《生活大爆炸》等剧遭下架 但中国不会下架所有美剧

  Charles Zhang, chairman of Sohu.com, doesn't think so. His website, along with Youku Tudou and Tencent Holdings, was among those affected by the regulatory takedown, which also included such shows as 'NCIS' and 'The Practice.' In an earnings call Monday, Mr. Zhang said he believes the watchdog's takedown of the shows was 'a standalone event.'

  不过,搜狐(Sohu.com)董事长张朝阳(Charles Zhang)并不这么想。搜狐和优酷土豆集团(Youku Tudou)、腾讯控股(Tencent Holdings)等公司都受到下架影响。《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS)和《律师本色》(The Practice)也在下架美剧之列。张朝阳在周一的财报电话会议上说,他认为监管机构将美剧下架属于孤立事件。

  'I believe this does not represent an overall policy change toward American TV shows in China,' Mr. Zhang said, adding that he doesn't know what prompted the move from officials at China's State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.


  Mr. Zhang said the move will affect advertising revenue, but he didn't disclose anticipated financial loss.


  The move is causing jitters in the industry. U.S. filmmakers and TV-show creators have been looking to China's video websites to broaden their audiences. Ellen DeGeneres became the first to air a U.S. talk show in China in January on Sohu, which also signed on comedy sketch program 'Saturday Night Live.'

  下架举动令业界不安。美国影视剧制作人一直期待通过中国视频网站来扩大观众群。埃伦·德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)主持的脱口秀节目今年1月登录搜狐网,成为在中国播出美国脱口秀节目第一人。此外,搜狐还签约了美国喜剧小品类综艺节目《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)。

  Many insiders are still uncertain how far-reaching regulatory action will go. The state-run newspaper the People's Daily indicated in commentary Monday that the action may only be the beginning. 'If you don't have Internet order, how can you have Internet freedom?' the commentary said.

  很多业内人士现在仍不确定中国这一监管行动将产生多大影响。中国官方报纸《人民日报》(People's Daily)周一通过一篇评论文章表示,下架行动可能仅仅是个开始。文章说,没有网络秩序,何来网络自由?

  Commentary in the Global Times, a more freewheeling tabloid published by the People's Daily, says regulators want to strengthen the position of popular domestic shows. U.S. content has a leg-up because producers spend more money on production, it says.

  《人民日报》出版的观点更加五花八门的小报《环球时报》(Global Times)刊出的评论文章称,中国监管机构此举“更深层的原因在于保护国内依旧羸弱的影视工业”。文章说,美剧内容之所以吸引人,是因为制作人舍得花钱。

  But regulatory action has extended beyond U.S. television online, Mr. Zhang said, noting that watchdogs also removed the popular Chinese show 'Diors Man.' He said that show is being reviewed because it has some content that may be 'problematic.'


  'I believe after it's properly reviewed, it's going to be a brought back online soon,' he said.




