
2014-05-29 11:52:30来源:中国日报网

  It didn't take long for Brad O'Neill to get back in thegame.


  It was late 2007, and StumbleUpon -- the popular content discovery service and his highest-profile investment at the time -- had just a few months earlier been scooped up by eBay (EBAY)for $75 million in cash. O'Neill, an angel investor for the company, could have easily sat backand enjoyed the return on what one reporter called "your typical dot-com Cinderella story."Instead, he started another company.

  那是在2007年末,几个月前StumbleUpon(热门的内容发现网站,也是当时他最受关注的一项投资)刚刚被eBay (EBAY)以7,500万美元现金收购。StumbleUpon的天使投资人奥尼尔本可就此收手,坐享这笔丰厚的投资回报,有位记者将此称为典型的互联网灰姑娘故事。但是,他转而创立了另一家公司。

  "I had just sold StumbleUpon to eBay with Garrett Camp and Geoff Smith and was starting tothink about a new problem to go solve," O'Neill says. "My technical co-founder Steve Noralland I were talking. He was working as an industry analyst and overwhelmed with all the writinghe had to do. And we were talking about how content automation was becoming increasinglypossible. I was in the British Virgin Islands on vacation and ruining it by Skyping with Steve andbrainstorming what would become TechValidate."


  O'Neill describes TechValidate's namesake product as a "software-as-a-service contentautomation platform for B2B companies." Custom content has become a popular approachto marketing, but corporate teams are too busy to create content targeted enough to beeffective, O'Neill says. TechValidate's tool imports content it deems relevant for verifiedcustomers of B2B companies from its library. Marketers then review it in private and publish itacross platforms, whether in a marketing automation platform, in a customer relationsmanagement tool, on social media channels, or on the web.


  "We invented the space. Nobody was doing it before we showed up," he says."We built acontent robot that is designed to make it simple for a marketing team that is alreadyoverstretched to build targeted content -- so targeted that a human couldn't do it."


  TechValidate introduced its product in the middle of 2008 and now counts GE (GE), HewlettPackard (HP), IBM (IBM), Dell, Hitachi, CA Technologies (CA), SAP (SAP), and Intel (INTC) ascustomers. O'Neill says the company -- which did not accept outside investment -- made $5million in revenue in 2013 and is on track to make $12 million, profitably, this year.

  TechValidate于2008年年中推出了产品,如今通用电气(GE, GE)、惠普(Hewlett Packard, HP)、IBM、戴尔(Dell)、日立(Hitachi)、CA Technologies (CA)、SAP (SAP)和英特尔(Intel, INTC)都已经是它的客户。据奥尼尔称,这家不接受外部投资的公司2013年实现营收500万美元,今年有望达到1200万美元,实现盈利。

  "Steve and I had a very conscious decision that we weren't going to seek venture money forthis," O'Neill says. "We kept comparing ourselves to SurveyMonkey, which also has these verypositive feedback loops. If we're charging the right amount of money, we won't need venturemoney. We turned profitable in our first year and we still are."


  Josh Kopelman of First Round Capital, which invested in StumbleUpon, says O'Neill and Norallhave the right approach. "I don't believe many teams could have accomplished what Brad haswithout outside investment. We just don't see too many bootstrapped businesses getting toscale in enterprise software. It's a viable path, but uncommon."

  First Round Capital的约什o考普曼曾经投资StumbleUpon。他说,奥尼尔和诺埃尔的做法是对的。“我认为,很少有团队能像奥尼尔那样不借助外部投资就取得这样的成就。我们很少看到创业公司能在企业软件领域达到规模化。这是一条可行的道路,但不常见。”

  On Tuesday, the company announced a partnership with Oracle (ORCL) to integrate itsservice into Eloqua, that company's marketing automation software. O'Neill describes the dealas a way to make it easier for the 35% of his customers who use Eloqua and TechValidatetogether, but the arrangement also exposes his company to a larger audience through itspresence in the EloquaAppCloud software hub.

  周二,这家公司宣布与甲骨文(Oracle, ORCL)合作,把自己的服务与甲骨文的营销自动软件Eloqua相整合。奥尼尔表示,TechValidate有35%的客户同时使用Eloqua和TechValidate,整合能简化他们的工作,也能让TechValidate通过EloquaAppCloud软件枢纽到达更多受众。

  "The challenge they have is that they don't have all this content to fill these pages," O'Neillsays. "Companies have gone out and spent millions of dollars for marketing automation, andthey realize that the deployment doesn't achieve its objectives without content. Eloquacustomers were asking for a more streamlined way to pull our assets into that environment.So now any of our joint customers have the ability to build and distribute and syndicate ourcontent in Eloqua -- they don't have to leave it."


  Just how big an opportunity is content automation? O'Neill would only say that his companysits in between the "multibillion-dollar" marketing automation industry and the $44 billioncontent marketing industry -- "the single largest line item in the marketing budget." It's not abad place to be.


  "Because we're one of a kind, it's difficult to talk about a total addressable market," he says. "When you're a unicorn it's a self-serving thing. But we're sitting between two wonderfultrends that are both increasing."




