Declassified documents from the 1970s provide newevidence that federal officials believed bomb-gradeuranium that disappeared from a Pennsylvanianuclear facility in the 1960s was likely taken for use ina clandestine Israeli atomic-weapons program.
The documents, obtained earlier this year throughpublic-records requests by a Washington-basednonprofit group, also indicate that senior officialswanted to keep the matter under wraps for fear it could undermine U.S. Middle East peaceefforts.
Though the Central Intelligence Agency's case for the suspected theft wasn't conclusive, it wassufficiently persuasive that 'I do not think that the President has plausible deniability'regarding the question, said a memo dated July 28, 1977, by a National Security Council stafferin President Jimmy Carter's administration.
美国前总统卡特(Jimmy Carter)执政时期的美国国家安全委员会一位工作人员在日期为1977年7月28日的一份备忘录中称:美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency, 简称CIA)对这起疑似盗窃案并无最终定论,但足以使我认为总统并没有在这个问题上进行巧妙的推诿。
A security council memo to Mr. Carter a few days later expressed more uncertainty aboutwhether a theft had occurred, but noted that then-Secretary of State Cyrus Vance had acoming Middle East trip and discussed the need to keep attention 'away from the CIA'sinformation.'
美国国家安全委员会在几天后提交给卡特的备忘录中表达了更多对于是否已发生盗窃的不确定,但表示时任国务卿万斯(Cyrus Vance)即将访问中东,并提出有必要将注意力从CIA的情报上转移。
The question of whether one of America's closest allies was involved in the theft of some of itsmost valuable and dangerous material in pursuit of nuclear weapons has been one of theenduring mysteries of the atomic age. The suspected theft has drawn the attention of at leastthree presidents and other senior government officials.
The evidence suggested that 'something did transpire,' said Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mr. Carter'snational-security adviser, in a recent interview. 'But until you have conclusive evidence youdon't want to make an international incident. This is a potentially very explosive,controversial issue.'
卡特的国家安全顾问布热津斯基(Zbigniew Brzezinski)近期接受采访时说,有证据表明,某些东西确实消失不见了;但在掌握决定性证据之前,美国并不想引发国际事件。他说,这有可能会是一个极具爆炸性、争议性的事件。
Besides, he added, 'What are we going to say to the Israelis, 'Give it back?' '
Israel has never said whether it has nuclear weapons. A spokeswoman for the Israeli Embassyin Washington, D.C., declined to comment for this article.
So did a spokeswoman for the Obama administration, which like past U.S. administrations hasdeclined to say whether it believes Israel has an atomic arsenal. A CIA spokesman alsodeclined to comment.
Mr. Carter, who said at a 2008 gathering in Britain that he believes Israel has nuclear weapons,declined through a spokeswoman to be interviewed.
His diplomatic efforts as president, which helped produce a peace treaty between Israel andEgypt in 1979, likely wouldn't have been possible 'if there was some huge scandal at the timeabout this,' said John Marcum, the staffer who wrote the July 28, 1977, memo, in a recentinterview.
卡特在任职总统期间的外交努力促成以色列与埃及在1979年达成了和平条约。但撰写1977年7月28日备忘录的工作人员马库姆(John Marcum)在近期一次采访中称,如果当时有关此事的某个重大丑闻被曝光,卡特可能就不会作出上述努力。
本文关键字: 美国疑以色列与60年代铀失窃案有关
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