One month after the expired-meat scandal thatdented the sales and reputation of western fastfood in China, office worker Arthur Han contentedlychews his burger and proclaims that now is the besttime to eat at McDonald’s in China – while the heat isstill on from the food safety authorities.
导致西方快餐在华声誉和销售额下滑的“过期肉”丑闻曝光一个月后,办公室职员阿瑟•韩(Arthur Han)在麦当劳(McDonald's)餐厅里惬意地嚼着汉堡,称现在是在中国吃麦当劳的最佳时机,因为食品安全管理部门仍对这家美国汉堡连锁店保持着强大压力。
Mr Han says he does not normally eat at the US burger chain, whose brand image forcleanliness and quality was shaken last month by an undercover television investigation thataccused it and several other western fast-food companies including Yum Brands and BurgerKing of using a mainland supplier thatrelabelled expired meat.
韩先生说,他并不是麦当劳的常客。上月,一个卧底调查电视节目动摇了麦当劳以清洁和质量著称的品牌形象。该调查节目声称,麦当劳以及包括百胜餐饮集团(Yum! Brands)和汉堡王(Burger King)在内的另几家西方快餐公司,从一家将过期肉更换标签再销售的中国内地供应商那里进货。
In a country where food safety is one of the biggest political issues, the $200bn fast-foodindustry has been propelled again into the spotlight. The latest issue comes as the rapidlygrowing sector is grappling with a host of other issues. These include escalating competitionfrom local players; rising rents; labour shortages – and the fundamental difficulty of procuringsafe supplies in a market that is both fragmented and growing rapidly.
McDonald’s said this month that the scandal – which led Shanghai authorities to close downthe affected factory of Shanghai Husi Food Co, a subsidiary of US food group OSI, anddetain staff – initially had a“significant negative impact” on sales, though it could notestimate the outcome for the full year.
这起丑闻促使上海主管部门查封了受影响的上海福喜食品有限公司(Shanghai Husi Food)的工厂。上海福喜是美国福喜集团(OSI)的子公司。麦当劳本月表示,这起丑闻最初对其销售额造成了“显著的负面影响”,尽管其无法估算出对全年业绩的影响。
Yum said its brands KFC and Pizza Hut also saw sales drop initially, adding that if the declinepersists it could have a “material effect” on full-year earnings per share. But analysts say that,whatever the impact on western brands, it is unlikely local players will be able to mop up theleftovers.
百胜表示,旗下品牌肯德基(KFC)和必胜客(Pizza Hut)最初也发生了销售额下降的情况。它补充称,如果这种下滑持续下去,可能对全年每股盈利(EPS)造成“实质性影响”。但分析师表示,不管这起丑闻会对西方品牌造成什么影响,中国本土的快餐企业都不大可能从中捞到好处。
本文关键字: 洋快餐在中国市场受阻
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