ATLANTA — President Obama on Tuesday challengedworld powers to accelerate the global response tothe Ebola outbreak that is ravaging West Africa,warning that unless health care workers, medicalequipment and treatment centers were swiftlydeployed, the disease could take hundreds ofthousands of lives.
“This epidemic is going to get worse before it gets better,” Mr. Obama said here at the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention, where he met with doctors who had just returned fromWest Africa. But “right now, the world still has the opportunity to save lives,” he said.
The president will go beyond the 25-bed portable hospital that Pentagon officials said theywould establish in Liberia, one of the three West African countries ravaged by the disease,administration officials said. Mr. Obama will offer help to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ofLiberia in the construction of as many as 17 Ebola treatment centers in the region, with about1,700 treatment beds.
政府官员说,除了五角大楼官员所说的将在利比里亚修建的拥有25张床位的野战医院外,总统将提供更多的东西。利比里亚是遭受疾病蹂躏的三个西非国家之一。奥巴马将向利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫(EllenJohnson Sirleaf)提供帮助,在该地区建设最多17个埃博拉病毒治疗中心,共有大约1700张病床。
Senior administration officials said Monday night that the Department of Defense would opena joint command operation in Monrovia, Liberia, to coordinate the international effort tocombat the disease. The military will also provide engineers to help construct the additionaltreatment facilities and will send enough people to train up to 500 health care workers a weekto deal with the crisis.
Officials said the military expected to send as many as 3,000 people to Africa to take charge ofresponding to the Ebola outbreak.
“We all recognize that this is such an extraordinary, serious epidemic,” a senior official toldreporters, speaking on condition of anonymity ahead of Mr. Obama’s public remarks onTuesday. The efforts should turn the tide from a high-transmission epidemic that continues togrow every day, other officials said.
The White House plan would increase the number of doctors and other health care workersbeing sent to West Africa from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and otherAmerican agencies, officials said.
The American government will also provide 400,000 Ebola home health and treatment kits toLiberia, as well as tens of thousands of kits intended to test whether people have the disease.The Pentagon will provide some logistical equipment for health workers going to West Africaand what administration officials described as “command and control” organizationalassistance on how to coordinate the overall relief work. The Army Corps of Engineers isexpected to be part of the Defense Department effort.
Administration officials did not say how soon the 17 treatment centers would be built in Liberia;officials there, as well as international aid officials, have said that 1,000 beds are needed inLiberia in the next week alone to contain a disease that has been spreading exponentially.
Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease and public health expert at Vanderbilt University,praised the plan, calling it a “major commitment,” and said it was more extensive than hehad expected.
范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)传染病和公共卫生专家威廉·夏夫纳博士(Dr. William Schaffner)对该计划表示称赞,称其为一个“重大的承诺”,并表示计划比他想象的更广泛。
“It seems coordinated and coherent,” Dr. Schaffner said. He added that “the real core” wasthe Defense Department’s logistical support “because the heart of any kind of epidemiccontainment concept is getting the goods to the right place, putting up the institution.”
Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at theUniversity of Minnesota, said the plan was an important first step, “but it is clearly not enough.”The focus on Liberia, he said, is too limited, and more help should be extended to SierraLeone and Guinea, the other countries at the center of the worst Ebola outbreak ever recorded.
明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)传染病研究和政策中心主任迈克尔·T·奥斯特霍尔姆(Michael T.Osterholm)表示,这个计划是重要的第一步,“但显然还不够”。他说,只在利比里亚采取行动远远不够,还应该向塞拉利昂和几内亚提供更多的帮助,这两国家也在经历着有史以来最严重的埃博拉病毒爆发。
本文关键字: 奥巴马敦促世界大国加速应对埃博拉
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