European multinationals have launched a rearguardeffort in Washington to prevent them becomingunintended victims of a US clampdown on tax-driven international mergers.
As the US administration finalises plans to curb“tax inversion” deals, big European companies thattypically stay out of US politics – including Nestlé,Royal Dutch Shell, Airbus and BASF– are alarmed atthe risk to their own US divisions.
在奥巴马政府敲定打击“税收倒置”交易的计划之际,雀巢(Nestlé)、荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)、空客(Airbus)、巴斯夫(BASF)等通常不碰美国政治的大型欧盟企业,都在担心各自美国业务面临的风险。
US companies are using inversions to shift their addresses to countries with lower tax rates,reducing their US tax bills and putting their non-US earnings beyond the reach of the Americanauthorities.
European multinationals have played no part in inversions. But they are concerned that movesto limit the economic benefits of the deals would increase their US tax and borrowing billsbecause they have the same structure as inverters: a foreign-domiciled parent controlling a USsubsidiary.
Executives have voiced their concerns directly to administration officials and lawmakers,according to a person with knowledge of the meetings.
Inversions have been condemned by some Democrats and Republicans as acts of “desertion”and Barack Obama’s administration is expected to unveil executive action to curb them asearly as this week.
税收倒置被一些民主党和共和党人谴责为“逃跑”行为,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)预计最早将于本周公布旨在限制此类行为的行政措施。
Jack Lew, the US Treasury secretary, said yesterday that while the White House wanted tooverhaul the whole corporate tax system, “there is one loophole that should be shut downimmediately – inversions”.
美国财政部长杰克•卢(Jack Lew)昨日表示,虽然白宫想要彻底改革整个公司税体系,“但有一个漏洞是应该立即补上的,那就是税收倒置”。
However, Alex Spitzer, a senior tax executive at Nestlé in the US, said badly-designedexecutive action or legislation risked deterring investment by the Swiss food group in USfactories and jobs.
然而,雀巢美国高级税务高管亚历克斯•斯皮策(Alex Spitzer)表示,设计不佳的行政措施或法律可能让这家瑞士食品集团不敢在美国投资于工厂和工作岗位。
本文关键字: 欧洲企业担心美国打击税收倒置
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