Britain and the US will stage the first transatlanticsimulation of a crisis in a large bank on Monday. Itis a sign of growing confidence that the authoritiescan now deal with the failure of large institutions.
All of the main players who would need to be involved in a failure of a company such as Bank ofAmerica, Goldman Sachs, Barclays or HSBC will gather in Washington DC to make sure theywould know what to do, who to call and how to inform the public.
包括美国银行(Bank of America)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、巴克莱(Barclays)或汇丰(HSBC)在内的所有可能会面临破产问题的主要参与者将齐聚华盛顿,以确保他们了解将采取何种措施、要通知谁以及如何告知公众。
The move reflects the authorities’ view that they are getting close to solving the “too big to fail”problem, even for cross-border banks, outside a full-blown system-wide crisis.
George Osborne, UK chancellor, announced that he would be taking part in the “war game”along with Jack Lew, US Treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, head of the Federal Reserve, MarkCarney, Bank of England governor and other senior officials from both countries.
英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)宣布,他将与美国财长杰克•卢(Jack Lew)、美联储(Fed)主席珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)、英国央行(Bank of England)行长马克•卡尼(Mark Carney)以及来自英美政府的其他高级官员参加这场“战争演习”。
The simulation will not mimic any particular bank but the authorities will run through theprocedures they would follow if a large UK lender with US operations failed and those for asignificant US bank with a British presence. Unlike domestic war games held before thefinancial crisis, Mr Osborne pledged to publicise the results.
He added that the simulations should reassure taxpayers that it was unlikely thegovernments would have to bail out banks in future as they had to in the 2008-09 financialcrisis.
Asked whether the war game could come close to simulating the stresses in a real crisis, thechancellor admitted that the exercise was not trying to recreate such an event in real time. “Itis an opportunity to make sure our different, but similar, domestic arrangements work.”
Mr Osborne said the purpose of the exercise was to make sure every player, includingpoliticians, knew their responsibilities and who needed to act; which creditors would have totake a hit; and how to communicate the authorities’ actions to the public.
The war game comes at the start of a series of international events in banking regulationincluding new stress tests for British and European banks this month and the G20 summit inNovember, which faces a deadline to come up with durable proposals to end the too-big-to-failproblems.
本文关键字: 英美两国将展开大银行"破产演习"
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