Call me Finlandised but there must be a better waythan sanctions. Russia and the west are competingover who can hurt the other the most. This is no wayto resolve a crisis.
President Barack Obama says that sanctions are having an effect. Yes, they are. They areincreasing popular support for Vladimir Putin. They are driving an ideological, political andcultural wedge between Russia and the west. While they hurt the Russian president’s closeadvisers, they also hurt Norwegian fishermen, Italian cheese makers, Finnish dairy companies,German technology companies and global energy companies. They drain hope from theEuropean economy.
美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)宣称制裁正在发挥作用。是的,的确起了作用。制裁提高了大众对弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)的支持。制裁在俄罗斯和西方之间划下了意识形态、政治和文化的鸿沟。制裁打击了俄罗斯总统的亲近顾问,但同时也损害了挪威渔民、意大利奶酪制造商、芬兰奶制品企业、德国科技企业和全球能源企业的利益。制裁抽干了欧洲经济的希望。
But are they helping the situation in eastern Ukraine? No, they are not.
Sanctions might work as a part of a proper strategy. At the moment, they are a substitute forpolicy. We need a cool-headed policy to deal with an assertive Russia. Do not get me wrong. Ifwe do not respect human rights and the rule of law we are at the mercy of the powerful. Ifstates do not respect the norms they have sanctified in international treaties, we turn the clockback to another century. Principles are dangerous only when they are not restrained bycommon sense.
Remember the story about a drunken fight over a principle? Two men order drinks; one ofthem takes the change. “Hey, that’s my money,” says the other. “No, it’s mine,” the firstretorts. “Are you calling me a liar?” Ugliness ensues; the police are called. “Did you get into afight over 50 cents?” asks the officer as the two men are whisked away. “No, it was over aprinciple.”
I am not suggesting that Crimea is small change (although Vyacheslav Molotov called Finland“small potatoes” during the postwar peace negotiations). I am suggesting that in a democracy,foreign policy requires a balance between realism and idealism. Realism without idealismleads to cynicism. Idealism without realism leads to a bloody nose.
我不是在暗示克里米亚是“找零”(尽管维亚切斯拉夫•莫洛托夫(Vyacheslav Molotov)在战后和平协商时的确把芬兰叫做“小角色”)。我的意思是,在民主国家,外交政策需要在现实主义和理想主义之间达成平衡。没有理想主义的现实主义会导致愤世嫉俗。没有现实主义的理想主义会遭遇迎头痛击。
本文关键字: 美国应该避免对俄制裁恶性循环
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