Moscow is taking the EU to court over the sanctionsslapped on some of its largest companies, in a signof the pain their exclusion from global capitalmarkets is inflicting on the Russian economy.
Rosneft, the state oil company, and ArkadyRotenberg, a long-time friend and former judosparring partner of President Vladimir Putin, haveboth launched legal challenges to the sanctions,imposed over Russia’s actions in Ukraine.
国营的俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)以及俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)长期好友、前柔道陪练伙伴阿尔卡季•罗滕贝格(Arkady Rotenberg)都向制裁措施发起法律挑战。这些制裁是因为俄罗斯插手乌克兰事务而实施的。
The EU bans, together with similar measures adopted by the US, have all but frozen Russiancompanies and banks out of western capital markets, at a time when they have to refinancemore than $130bn of foreign debt due for redemption by the end of 2015.
Rosneft filed a case against the European Council in the general court under the European Courtof Justice last week, requesting an annulment of the council’s July decision that largely barredit and other Russian energy companies and state banks from raising funds on European capitalmarkets. Mr Rotenberg, who was hit with an EU visa ban and asset freeze in July, filed a legalcase in the same court a day later challenging the move.
俄罗斯石油公司上周在欧洲法院(European Court of Justice)的普通法院对欧洲理事会(European Council)提起诉讼,请求废除后者在7月份作出的决定,即禁止该公司、俄罗斯其它能源企业以及国有银行在欧洲资本市场上筹集资金。次日,7月遭遇欧盟签证禁令和资产冻结的罗滕贝格在同一法院提起诉讼,挑战针对他的制裁措施。
A Russian lawyer who advises one company on legal strategies over sanctions said thechallenges might help sway some EU member states when the bloc discusses whether torenew its sanctions against Russia next spring. However, as the sanctions generally remain inplace during the often lengthy appeals process, legal action does not promise quick relieffrom the economic pain such measures inflict.
Rosneft’s request was filed on behalf of the company itself and other unidentified parties. Thecapital markets sanctions that the company wants overturned also affect Russia’s largest statelenders Sberbank, VTB, VEB, Gazprombank and Rosselkhozbank, as well as Gazprom Neft, theoil arm of the state gas monopoly, and Transneft, the state-owned pipeline monopoly.
俄罗斯石油公司的诉讼请求是代表该公司本身和其它身份不明的当事人提起的。该公司希望推翻的资本市场制裁还影响到俄罗斯各大国有银行,包括俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行(Sberbank)、俄罗斯外贸银行(VTB)、俄罗斯国家开发银行(VEB)、俄罗斯天然气工业银行股份公司(Gazprombank)和俄罗斯农业银行(Rosselkhozbank),以及俄罗斯天然气工业公司(Gazprom)的石油业务部门Gazprom Neft,以及国有管道垄断企业Transneft。
The EU said the council would defend the sanctions in court. “The council takes great care toensure legal robustness when adopting restrictive measures,” it said. “The fact that courtproceedings are brought does not mean that the restrictive measures will be suspended duringthose proceedings.”
本文关键字: 俄罗斯石油公司因制裁起诉欧盟
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