I am pleased to greet the Third China-Africa People’s Forum.
I thank the China NGO Network for International Exchanges and the Sudan NGO Network for co-organizing this meeting.
I also thank the Government of Sudan for hosting.
Ending extreme poverty in Africa and across the world is a top priority for the United Nations. It is a moral and political imperative.
The remarkable mobilization behind the Millennium Development Goals has cut global poverty by half. But there is still much to do.
Inequality is rising in rich and poor countries alike. Jobs and inclusive economic growth must be at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda.
Many African countries have made important strides; several are among the world’s fastest growing economies, and investors are taking notice. But too many people remain in need or are suffering the devastating impacts of conflict, including in Sudan and neighbouring South Sudan and the Central African Republic.
China has become an important trade and development partner for Africa. I encourage you to use these deepening ties to make further inroads against poverty, to combat disease and climate change, to strengthen governance and ensure the equitable distribution of the continent’s natural resources, and to tap the talents of Africa’s people, especially women and youth.
Africans are writing a new narrative in their history. The United Nations remains firmly committed to support Africa’s aspirations.
Let us all work together to achieve sustainable development, human rights and a life of dignity for all.
I wish you a successful conference.
本文关键字: 潘基文给第三届中非民间论坛的致辞
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