President Faust, members of the HarvardCorporation and the Board of Overseers,members ofthe faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates,
The first thing I would like to say is "thank you." Notonly has Harvard given me an extraordinaryhonour, but the weeks of fear and nausea I’veendured at the thought of giving thiscommencement address have made me loseweight. A win-win situation! Now all I have to do istake deep breaths, squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world’slargest Gryffindors' reunion.
Delivering a commencement address is a great responsibility; or so I thought until I cast mymind back to my own graduation. The commencement speaker that day was thedistinguished British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock. Reflecting on her speech has helpedme enormously in writing this one, because it turns out that I can't remember a single wordshe said. This liberating discovery enables me to proceed without any fear that I mightinadvertently influence you to abandon promising careers in business, law or politics for thegiddy delights of becoming a gay wizard.
发表毕业演说是一个巨大的责任,至少在我回忆自己当年的毕业典礼前是这么认为的。那天做演讲的是英国著名的哲学家 Baroness Mary Warnock,对她演讲的回忆,对我写今天的演讲稿,产生了极大的帮助,因为我不记得她说过的任何一句话了。这个发现让我释然,让我不再担心我可能会无意中影响你放弃在商业,法律或政治上的大好前途,转而醉心于成为一个快乐的魔法师(gay有快乐和同性恋的意思)。
You see? If all you remember in years to come is the 'gay wizard' joke, I've still come out aheadof Baroness Mary Warnock. Achievable goals - the first step to self-improvement.
你们看,如果在若干年后你们还记得“快乐的魔法师”这个笑话,那就证明我已经超越了Baroness MaryWarnock。建立可实现的目标——这是提高自我的第一步。
Actually, I have wracked my mind and heart for what I ought to say to you today. I have askedmyself what I wish I had known at my own graduation, and what important lessons I havelearned in the 21 years that has expired between that day and this.
实际上,我为今天应该和大家谈些什么绞尽了脑汁。我问自己什么是我希望早在毕业典礼上就该了解的,而从那时起到现在的 21年间,我又得到了什么重要的启示。
I have come up with two answers. On this wonderful day when we are gathered together tocelebrate your academic success, I have decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure.And as you stand on the threshold of what is sometimes called 'real life', I want to extol thecrucial importance of imagination.
These may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me.
Looking back at the 21-year-old that I was at graduation, is a slightly uncomfortableexperience for the 42-year-old that she has become. Half my lifetime ago, I was striking anuneasy balance between the ambition I had for myself, and what those closest to me expectedof me.
I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels. However, myparents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been tocollege, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk thatcould never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension.
I know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now, but…
本文关键字: JK罗琳在2008哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
迎春乐 柳永 近来憔悴人惊怪。为别后、相思煞。我前生、负你愁烦债。便苦恁难开解。 良夜永、牵情无计奈。锦被里、馀香犹在。
Sonnet 14 If Thou Must Love Me Elizabeth Barrett Browning If thou must love me, let it be for naught
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