Thank you all and good afternoon alumni, graduates, families, friends, honored guests. For seven years now, it has been my assignment and my privilege to deliver an annual report to our alumni, and to serve as the warm-up act for our distinguished speaker.
Whether this is your first opportunity to be a partof these exercises or your fiftieth, it is worth taking aminute to soak in this place—its sheltering trees, itsfamiliar buildings, its enduring voices. In 1936, thispart of Harvard’s yard was named TercentenaryTheatre, in recognition of Harvard’s three hundredth birthday. It is a place where giants havestood, and history has been made.
We were reminded this morning of George Washington’s adventures here. And from this stagein 1943, Winston Churchill addressed an overflow crowd that included 6,000 uniformedHarvard students heading off to war. He said he hoped the young recruits would come toregard the British soldiers and sailors they would soon fight alongside as their “brothers inarms,” and he assured the audience that “we shall never tire, nor weaken, but march with you… to establish the reign of justice and of law.”
Four years later, from this same place, George Marshall introduced a plan that aidedreconstruction across war-stricken Europe, and ended his speech by asking: “What is needed?What can best be done? What must be done?”
Here, in 1998, Nelson Mandela addressed an audience of 25,000 and spoke of our sharedfuture. “The greatest single challenge facing our globalized world,” he said, “is to combat anderadicate its disparities.” Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the first female head of state in Africa, stoodhere 13 years later and encouraged graduates to resist cynicism and to be fearless.
Here, on the terrible afternoon of September 11, 2001, we gathered under a cloudless sky toshare our sadness, our horror, and our disbelief.
And here, just three years ago, we marked Harvard’s 375th anniversary dancing in the mud of atorrential downpour. Here, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had celebrated Harvard’s threecenturies of accomplishment in a comparably soaking rain.
Here, J.K. Rowling encouraged graduates to “think themselves into other people’s places.” AndConan O’Brien told them that “every failure was freeing.”
Here, honorary degrees have been presented to Carl Jung and Jean Piaget, Ellsworth Kelly andGeorgia O’Keefe, Helen Keller and Martha Graham, Ravi Shankar and Leonard Bernstein, JoanDidion and Philip Roth, Eric Kandel and Elizabeth Blackburn, Bill Gates and Tim Berners-Lee.
I remember feeling awed by that history when I spoke here at my installation as Harvard’s 28thpresident, and when I reflected on what has always seemed to me the essence of a university:that among society’s institutions, it is uniquely accountable to the past and to the future.
Our accountability to the past is all around us: Behind me stands Memorial Church, amonument to Harvardians who gave their lives at the Somme and Ypres and Verdun duringWorld War One. Dedicated on Armistice Day in 1932, it represents Harvard’s long tradition ofcommitment to service.
In front of me is Widener Library, a gift from a bereaved mother, named in honor of her sonHarry, who perished aboard the Titanic. A library built to advance the learning and discoveryenabled by one of the most diverse and broad collections in the world. Widener’s twelvemajestic columns safeguard texts and manuscripts—some centuries old—that are deployedevery day by scholars to help us interpret—and reinterpret—the past.
But this afternoon I would like to spend a few minutes considering our accountability to thefuture, because these obligations must be “our compass to steer by,” our common purposeand our shared commitment.
What does Harvard—what do universities—owe the future?
First, we owe the world answers.
Discovery is at the heart of what universities do.Universities engage faculty and students across arange of disciplines in seeking solutions to problemsthat may have seemed unsolvable, endeavoring toanswer questions that threaten to elude us. Thescientific research undertaken today at Harvard, andtomorrow by the students we educate, has acapacity to improve human lives in ways virtuallyunimaginable even a generation ago. In this pastyear alone, Harvard researchers have solved riddlesrelated to the treatment of Alzheimer’s, the cost-effective production of malaria vaccine, andthe origins of the universe. Harvard researchers have proposed answers to challenges asvaried as nuclear proliferation, American competitiveness, and governance of the Internet.
We must continue to support our answer-seekers, who work at the crossroads of thetheoretical and the applied, at the nexus of research, public policy, and entrepreneurship.Together, they will shape our future and enhance our understanding of the world.
Second, we owe the world questions.
Just as questions yield answers, answers yield questions. Human beings may long forcertainty, but, as Oliver Wendell Holmes put it, “certainty generally is illusion, and repose isnot the destiny of man.” Universities produce knowledge. They must also produce doubt. Thepursuit of truth is restless. We search for answers not by following prescribed paths, but byfinding the right questions—by answering one question with another question, by nurturing astate of mind that is flexible and alert, dissatisfied and imaginative. It is what universitiesare designed to do. In an essay in Harvard Magazine, one of today’s graduates, CheroneDuggan, wrote about seeking what she called “an education of questions.” I hope we haveindeed given her that.
Questions are the foundation for progress—for ensuring that the world transcends where weare now, what we know now.
And questions are also the foundation for a third obligation that we as universities owe thefuture: we owe the future meaning.
Universities must nurture the ability to interpret, to make critical judgments, to dare to askthe biggest questions, the ones that reach well beyond the immediate and the instrumental.We must stimulate the appetite for curiosity.
We find many of these questions in the humanities: What is good? What is just? How do weknow what is true? But we find them in the sciences as well. Can there be any question moreprofound, more fundamental than to ask about the origins of the universe? How did we gethere?
Questions like these can be unsettling, and they can make universities unsettling places. Butthat too is an essential part of what we owe the future—the promise to combatcomplacency, to challenge the present in order to prepare for what is to come. To shape thepresent in service of an uncertain and yet impatient future.
We owe the future answers. We owe the future questions. We owe the future meaning. TheHarvard Campaign, launched last September, will help us fulfill these obligations, and pay ourdebt to the future, just as the gifts of previous generations anchor us here today.
As today’s ceremonies so powerfully remind us, we also owe the future the men and womenwho are prepared to ask questions and seek answers and search for meaning for decades tocome. Today we send some 6,500 graduates into the world, to be teachers and lawyers,scientists and physicians, poets and planners and public servants, and—as our speaker thismorning reminded us—to be in their own ways revolutionaries. Ready to take on everythingfrom water scarcity to virtual currency to community policing. We must continue to invest infinancial aid to attract and support the talented students who can build our future, and also wemust invest in supporting the teaching and learning that ensures the fullest development oftheir capacities in a rapidly changing world.
If we fulfill our obligation, today’s graduates will have found the “education of questions”Cherone described, a place where, as she put it, “ceilings are only made of sky.” But lookaround you: we are there. This space is a “theatre” without walls, without a roof, and withoutlimits. It is a place where extraordinary individuals have preceded us, a place that mustencourage our graduates—of today and all the years past—to emulate those women andmen, to look skyward and to soar.
Thank you very much.
本文关键字: 哈佛校长在2014哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲
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