Address: Pass the USA Freedom Act
The White House
May 30, 2015
Hi, everybody. As President and
Commander in Chief, my greatest responsibility is the safety of the American
people. And in our fight against terrorists, we need to use every effective
tool at our disposal – both to defend our security and to protect the freedoms
and civil liberties enshrined in our Constitution.
But tomorrow – Sunday, at
midnight – some important tools we use against terrorists will expire. That’s
because Congress has not renewed them, and because legislation that would – theUSA Freedom Act – is stuck in the
Senate. I want to be very clear about what this means.
Today, when investigating
terrorist networks, our national security professionals can seek a court order
to obtain certain business records. Our law enforcement professionals can seek
a roving wiretap to keep up with terrorists when they switch cell phones. We
can seek a wiretap on so-called lone wolves – suspected terrorists who may not
be directly tied to a terrorist group. These tools are not controversial. Since
9/11, they have been renewed numerous times. FBI Director James Comey says they
are “essential” and that losing them would “severely” impact terrorism
investigations. But if Congress doesn’t act by tomorrow at midnight, these
tools go away as well.
The USA Freedom Act also accomplishes something I called for a year and
a half ago: it ends the bulk metadata program – the bulk collection of phone
records – as it currently exists and puts in place new reforms. The government
will no longer hold these records; telephone providers will. The Act also includes other changes to our
surveillance laws – including more transparency – to help build confidence
among the American people that your privacy and civil liberties are being
protected. But if Congress doesn’t act by midnight tomorrow, these reforms will
be in jeopardy, too.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
The USA Freedom Act reflects ideas
from privacy advocates, our private sector partners and our national security
experts. It already passed the House of Representatives with overwhelming
bipartisan support – Republicans and Democrats. A majority of the Senate –
Republicans and Democrats – have voted to move it forward.
So what’s the problem? A small
group of senators is standing in the way. And, unfortunately, some folks are
trying to use this debate to score political points. But this shouldn’t and can’t
be about politics. This is a matter of national security. Terrorists like al
Qaeda and ISIL aren’t suddenly going to stop plotting against us at midnight
tomorrow. And we shouldn’t surrender the tools that help keep us safe. It would
be irresponsible. It would be reckless. And we shouldn’t allow it to happen.
So today, I’m calling on
Americans to join me in speaking with one voice to the Senate. Put the politics
aside. Put our national security first. Pass the USA Freedom Act – now. And let’s protect the security and civil
liberties of every American. Thanks very much. |
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