The 2012 London Olympics Showed the Best of Britain to the World
In the summer of 2012, London hosted what can only be described as the greatest show on Earth. The 2012 Olympics opening ceremony showed Britain at its creative best.
I remember the opening ceremony vividly. I loved it. I mean, it was sort of a people’s history of England. We went very much on the rise of our country culturally, economically, all the things that we’d done and it was brilliant. I just couldn’t believe it when the Industrial Revolution took place and these huge chimneys sprouted out of the ground. And then it gave way to this sort of post-industrial landscape. The message was that Britain was the most dynamic, creative, exciting country on Earth.
The 2012 Games were an amazing achievement for Britain. We welcomed the world to London.
Four years on, the Games have left a lasting legacy on the UK and for the world. Beyond the physical legacy of the Olympic Park in East London, I think it showed Global Britain as open, dynamic and full of a can-do spirit.
The UK’s Olympic expertise means we’ve worked very closely with Brazil to help them plan and deliver their Games. We’ve been proud to be able to assist with the Brazilians, and I’m sure Rio will do a fantastic job. I’ve no doubt they’ll do an absolutely fantastic job.
We wish Brazil every success in their Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Olympic spirit lives on as the world’s most exciting sporting extravaganza gets underway in Rio.
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
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时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
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