
2013-04-02 00:00:00来源:金融时报

  We all tend to do more of what we think people like us to do, whether good or bad. In some instances, it makes perfect sense to follow the lead of others we trust and respect. But experiments have revealed the worrying truth that even the slightest perceived similarity, regardless of its relevance, can influence how we act. If we learn that someone shares our birth month or our name, we are more likely to follow their lead. Forging common ground, however shaky, is a trick every good salesman knows.


  Prof Gino’s solution to not getting sidetracked is, like the Heaths’, to depersonalise and objectify decision making. We need to keep our emotions in check and constantly adjust our perspective by taking advice, expanding our options and taking the other party’s point of view. We need to question the sources of our information and psychological biases. And we must always ask if a decision can be reframed to achieve what we want.


  She cites the example of Theodore Roosevelt’s campaign manager in 1912. The campaign had just printed 3m brochures featuring a photograph of Roosevelt for which it hadn’t obtained permission. Rather than putting himself at the mercy of the photographer, the manager sent him a telegram saying: “We are planning to distribute millions of pamphlets with Roosevelt’s picture on the cover. It will be great publicity for the studio whose photograph we use. How much will you pay us to use yours? Respond immediately.” The delighted photographer replied offering $250. Problem reframed, happy outcome achieved.

  吉诺教授举了1912年西奥多 罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)竞选团队负责人的例子。当时竞选团队印制了300万份附有一张罗斯福照片的手册,但这张照片本身却未获得摄影师授权。负责人没有把自己放在听凭摄影师摆布的地位,而是给对方发去了一封电报,声称:“我们计划发放几百万份封面印有罗斯福照片的小册子。对于入选图片的工作室而言,这将是一个提高知名度的大好机会。如果我们选择你所拍摄的照片,你愿意付给我们多少钱?请尽快回复。”兴高采烈的摄影师回电表示愿意支付250美元。问题经过了重构,并得到了圆满的结果。

  Dennis Bakke, co-founder of Imagine Schools and former CEO of the power company AES, sees the devolution of decision making as a powerful managerial tool. All too often executives hog decision making because they feel it is what justifies their status and salaries. But in his new business novel The Decision Maker, he argues for letting more people up and down the company make decisions.

  丹尼斯 巴基(Dennis Bakke)是Imagine Schools的联合创始人以及美国爱依斯电力公司(AES)的前任首席执行官。巴基认为,决策权的下放是一种很有力的管理方法。绝大多数时候管理层都把决策权牢牢攥在手中,因为他们觉得这样才与自己的地位和薪酬水平相符。但在他最新的商业小说《决策者》(The Decision Maker)中,他指出应让公司上下更多的人参与到决策过程中来。

  The setting for his book is an old school manufacturing company. The business is staggering along, its workers joylessly going about their work. When the new managers install a pinball machine to boost morale, the employees snigger.


  The managers then decide on a radical solution: to give up their decision making power and introduce what Mr Bakke calls the “decision maker process”. First, the leader of an organisation must decide who is to make a decision. The decision maker must be someone close to the issue and aware of the context. If it is to do with a manufacturing process, it should be someone who handles that process every day, not some lofty executive who never visits the factory floor.


  The decision maker must then ask for advice in order to ensure that the decision is supported by evidence and multiple perspectives. In the end, the decision maker must make the call.


  As Mr Bakke describes it, implementing this process can be hair-raising . Executives tremble at the idea of losing control. Employees develop vertigo at being suddenly endowed with so much responsibility. But, over time, it leads to a greater feeling of ownership among employees, more sharing of knowledge and thus ultimately to better decisions.


  All three authors reach the same point: we all have central priorities in our lives and work, and it is through our decision making that we either achieve them or fall short. The good news is that improving the process is something any of us can do.



本文关键字: 决策流程



