口译时事:吉林火灾致上百人死亡 食品生产引发关注

2013-06-06 00:00:00来源:新东方网

  As China's food exports surge, its food-production practices are an area of growing concern outside the country.


  The industry can anticipate a new level of attention from U.S. legislators, regulators and consumers following Shuanghui's deal to acquire Virginia-based pork producer Smithfield Foods. The $4.7 billion buyout offer, potentially the biggest Chinese takeover of a U.S. company, is subject to regulatory approval.

  在双汇提出收购弗吉尼亚猪肉生产商Smithfield Foods后,该行业将可能获得美国国会议员、监管机构和消费者的更多关注。该交易规模为47亿美元,有望成为中国企业对美国公司的最大一桩收购案。交易仍待监管部门的批准。

  The Chinese suitor said last week when the deal was announced that it hopes to learn from Smithfield's production processes, not impose its own on the U.S. business. People involved in the deal said it could open China's market more to Smithfield sausage, hams and other meat, instead of pave the way for broadening channels into the U.S. for the Chinese company's products.


  Chinese industrial accidents have killed over 70,000 people in each of the past two years alone, according to official figures. Less than two months ago at a pork processor in south China, for example, around 400 people were endangered by an ammonia leak like the one blamed for Monday's fire, according to the official news agency Xinhua.


  Away from the factory floor, worries about unsafe poultry are already high in China. In early April, Chinese health officials reported an outbreak of a new strain of avian flu in chickens and ducks; though Chinese authorities say risks to humans have diminished, they haven't permitted sale of fresh poultry in some Chinese cities. Late last year, U.S. fast-food groups Yum Brands Inc. and McDonald's Corp. were accused by Chinese media of selling chicken that had been raised with unsafe levels of antibiotics. Both companies said they would strengthen supervision of suppliers.

  在工厂车间之外,中国社会对不安全的禽肉已经非常担心。4月初,中国卫生官员报告说,鸡鸭身上爆发了一种新型禽流感。虽然中国有关部门说,新型禽流感对人体构成的威胁已经减弱,但中国部分城市还是不允许销售新鲜禽肉。去年年末,美国快餐企业百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brands Inc.)和麦当劳(McDonald's Corp.)遭中国媒体指责。媒体称这两家公司销售的鸡肉产品源自生长过程中使用了不安全剂量的抗生素的鸡。两家公司均表示将加强对供应商的监督。

  More broadly, industrial accidents in China are taking on increasing resonance for U.S. companies and consumers. After explosions of combustible dust at two Apple Inc. suppliers in China that left four dead and at least 59 injured in 2011, the U.S. computer maker last year said it issued new guidelines for its contractors for handling the material.

  更广泛地说,中国发生的工业事故正引发美国企业和消费者越来越多的共鸣。2011年,苹果(Apple Inc.)两家在华供应商发生可燃粉尘爆炸,事故造成四人死亡,至少59人受伤。事故发生后,苹果去年表示,该公司已经就承包商如何处理有关材料一事发布新的指引。

  The plant that caught fire on Monday illustrates the challenge to imposing uniform safety standards on China's fragmented and fast-expanding food business.


  Thousands of families raise chickens in the city of Dehui, where the plant is located, not far from the North Korean border, which pitches itself as a broiler city.


  In a popular series of art works, Canadian Edward Burtynsky drew attention to Dehui's vast chicken-production facilities in photographs showing uncountable thousands of poultry workers in a single room, all wearing pink coveralls and blue aprons.

  在一系列受欢迎的艺术作品中,加拿大摄影师伯汀斯基(Edward Burtynsky)将外界的吸引力聚焦至德惠庞大的鸡肉生产工厂。从伯汀斯基的照片中我们可以看到,在一个房间中有几乎数不清的数千名禽肉加工工人,他们都身穿粉色工作服和蓝色围裙。

  The northern region around Dehui is sometimes called the Iowa of China. But four-year-old Baoyuanfeng, like many companies in China's food industry, is relatively small, with a processing capacity of 100,000 birds a day, according to a profile of the company published on a local website. Mr. He, the consultant, said he expects China's poultry business to face new pressure to consolidate smaller operators into bigger companies that are easier to monitor.



本文关键字: 火灾



