
2014-04-25 14:46:22来源:可可英语

  China Resources appointed an interim chairman who said this is 'a very serious time.' Share prices of several listed units fell in Hong Kong on Tuesday, including China Resources Enterprise Ltd., ended down about 4%, as trading resumed after a holiday and following the announcement of the party's investigation into Mr. Song on Thursday.

  华润集团任命了一位临时董事长,他表示,集团正面临非常严峻的时刻。周二香港股市在长假后恢复交易,受上周四宋林遭调查消息影响,华润系股票下跌,其中华润创业(China Resources Enterprise Ltd. )收盘下挫约4%。

  In China's system, SOEs can be a proving ground, with executives sometimes moving on to political positions. Two of the seven members of the current Politburo Standing Committee rose through SOEs.


  Wang Qishan, whose responsibilities include the party's anticorruption wing that is investigating Mr. Song, hails from the banking industry. The other, Zhang Gaoli, worked in the oil industry.


  Mr. Song, by contrast, spent his career at China Resources, a conglomerate that predates the party's control of China. Formed in 1938 and previously known as Hong Kong's Liow & Co. it was initially credited with raising money for weapons for Chinese to fight Japanese forces. Today, China Resources has 420,000 employees and holdings in everything from property, power, retail, pharmaceuticals and beer.

  相比之下,宋林一直就职于华润集团,这是一家在共产党取得政权之前就已成立的企业集团。华润集团成立于1938年,前身是香港联和行(Liow & Co),当初为抗日根据地筹集资金购买军需物资。今天,华润集团已拥有员工42万人,业务范围遍及房地产、电力、零售、医药和啤酒等各个领域。

  Mr. Song, known as Charley, joined China Resources after earning a mechanical engineering degree in college in 1985. He climbed through posts in the asset management, petrochemical, power and retail divisions of the vast China-focused company.


  An early mentor was the current head of Chinese state-owned grain trader Cofco Corp., Ning Gaoning, a celebrated executive. In press interviews, Mr. Song embraced market economics--'heads have to roll for poor business decisions'--and he won appointment to corporate boards and honorary positions, including one advising Hong Kong's anticorruption agency. Mr. Song took the leadership of China Resources around five years ago.

  宋林当年的老领导是现任中国国有粮食贸易公司中粮集团(COFCO Corporation)董事长、知名企业管理人士宁高宁。宋林信奉市场经济学──“若商业决策失当,负责人必须承担责任,接受解聘”,他还获聘其他一些企业的董事及荣誉职位,包括担任香港反腐机构的道德委员会负责人。宋林大概从5年前开始担任华润集团董事长一职。

  The top positions at other big SOEs changed during China's once-in-a-decade leadership succession in late 2012. New faces appeared at the helm of arms maker China Poly Group, builder China Railway Construction Corp., energy producer China General Nuclear Power Group and metals maker Sinosteel Corp.

  2012年底中国政府换届期间,许多央企的领导也纷纷换人。军工企业中国保利集团公司(China Poly Group co.)、建筑公司中国铁建股份有限公司(China Railway Construction Co., 简称:中国铁建)、能源企业中国广核集团(China General Nuclear Power Group)和冶金企业中钢集团公司(Sinosteel Corp.)的领导班子均出现了新面孔。

  In all, the party replaced its top officer at 15% the biggest 113 SOEs between 2012 and 2013, affecting 17 groups in all, according to calculations by The Wall Street Journal.


  Still, U.S. companies may have changed chief executives more often. In the same two years, 90 companies, or 17% of the constituents of the S&P 500 index of the biggest U.S. business, changed CEOs, according to a tally by management consultant Spencer Stuart.

  不过,美国企业更换首席执行长的频率可能更高。管理咨询公司史宾沙(Spencer Stuart (BIV) Ltd.)的统计数据显示,同样是在2012年至2013年间,标准普尔500指数成份股公司中有90家更换了CEO,比例为17%。

  'The senior leadership of SOEs is arranged by the party,' says Louis Kuijs, China chief economist at RBS Markets in Hong Kongand a former World Bank specialist in Beijing. He says party control may help China coordinate its industrial policy, but appears unusual from a western perspective.

  RBS Markets中国首席经济学家、前世界银行(World Bank)驻北京专家高路易(Louis Kuijs)称,中国央企高管是由中共一手安排的,这可能有助于政府协调行业政策,但从西方观点来看,这种做法并不正常。



