双语新闻:泰国被免职总理英拉 因大米补贴计划遭渎职指控

2014-05-13 11:16:33来源:可可英语

  The anticorruption commission sent the negligence case against Ms Yingluck to the Senate, which has powers to impose a ban of up to five years in cases of alleged wrongdoing. Ms Yingluck is accused of dereliction of duty in her role as head of the policy making National Rice Committee, which has seen huge financial losses and rice stockpiles mount during the two-and-a-half year old subsidy scheme to pay farmers in her northern and central electoral heartlands well above market rates for their products

  反腐败委员会已把渎职案提交泰国参议院。对于涉嫌渎职的官员,泰国参议院有权发出一项长达五年的从政禁令。英拉被控在泰国国家大米委员会(National Rice Committee)主管一职上存在渎职。泰国国家大米委员会作为一家决策机构,在过去两年半里,在泰国北部和中部推行了大米补贴计划,以大大高于市场价的价格收购这些地区农民的产品。泰国北部和中部是英拉的核心选区。在这一计划推行期内,该委员会蒙受巨大损失,而库存大米大量增加。

  Opposition “yellow shirts” will hold a rally in Bangkok on Friday and pro-government “red shirts” north of the capital on Saturday, in the first big test of whether Ms Yingluck’s dismissal will trigger the violence many fear. Police reported several grenade attacks since her sacking, including one on the house of a constitutional court judge.


  The contours and conduct of the rice case have parallels with the constitutional court’s toppling of Ms Yingluck and nine members of her cabinet over allegations that she removed her national security adviser to make way for a relative of the ex-wife of Thaksin Shinawatra, her brother and ex-premier, to become national police chief.

  大米案与英拉被解职案几乎同时发生。在后一个案子中,泰国宪法法庭解除了英拉及其9名内阁成员的职位。宪法法院认定,英拉此前解除了国家安全顾问的职务,是为了给她的兄长、泰国前总理他信•西那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)前妻的一位亲戚出任国家警察总监扫清障碍。

  While the rice scheme has been widely criticised, there are serious doubts about the fairness of the investigation and legal process, the harshness of the potential punishment and the zeal with which the authorities have pursued this case compared with other allegations involving opposition politicians.


  Another concern is that the commission is one of the bodies involved in appointing almost half of the country’s 150 senators, giving it influence as judge, jury and executioner in the case. Thailand’s Senate was once fully elected under rules swept away by constitutional changes after a 2006 military coup against Mr Thaksin, in what his supporters and many analysts see as the first push in a long effort by the traditional elite to grab back power eroded by a string of election defeats suffered by the establishment Democrat party.




