双语新闻:袁亚非 可能只有怪人才能成功

2014-05-13 11:31:41来源:可可英语

  “One hundred and sixty-four years is a long time. It’s not that easy to build and sustain a brand for such a long time, just like a human being,” he says. “If you can live past 100 years . . . you’re doing something right.”


  Mr Yuan intends to open a flagship “Oriental Fraser” store in Nanjing next summer. His broader plan for 50 stores in China rests on the assumption that the shopping mall market is about to undergo a big transition. He says China is going to add 2,500 malls over the next three years, and he believes most will quickly go under.

  袁亚非打算明年夏天在南京开设“东方Fraser”(Oriental Fraser)旗舰店。基于购物中心市场将经历重大转变这一假设,他的长远计划是在中国开设50家分店。他说未来3年中国将新增2500家购物中心,他相信其中大部分很快就会倒闭。

  “They are all the same type of shopping mall and the Chinese market is not big enough to handle this number of the same kind of shopping facilities at the same time.”


  After clearing his throat and leaning over to spit into a waste paper basket – a common but waning habit in China – Mr Yuan uses a four-character Chinese idiom to explain how Sanpower will benefit from the upheaval.


  His first tactic will be lou jing xia shi, which translates as “dropping a stone on a man who has fallen down a well”, and means that Sanpower will pounce when some of the malls go bankrupt.


  “Do you know jin shang tian hua?” he adds, using the English that he started learning three years ago – with the implication that House of Fraser will help him “gild the lily”, as the expression means.

  “Do you know jin shang tian hua?(你知道锦上添花吗?)”3年前开始学英语的他用英语问道。他言下之意是,House of Fraser将帮他“锦上添花”。

  Mr Yuan is confident he will succeed, saying half-jokingly that his feng shui master has given him a high score of 90 for the “Oriental Fraser” name.


  The Hurun Chinese rich list ranks Mr Yuan as the joint 92nd wealthiest person in China with estimated assets of $2bn. Asked if that is accurate, he says: “Definitely a bit more.” A little or a lot? “Should be a lot. But I’m not the most wealthy person in China. There are many people more wealthy than I am in China.”

  在胡润中国富豪榜(Hurun Chinese rich list)上,袁亚非与人并列第92位,其资产据估计有20亿美元。当被问到这一数字是否精确时,他说:“肯定比这多吧。”那么是多一点还是多很多?他说:“应该多很多。但是我在中国不算最有钱的。中国还有很多人比我有钱。”

  Mr Yuan says he started life as a “very typical commoner”. Born in Chongqing, his family moved around because his father was an engineer in the People’s Liberation Army. He attended primary school in a poor mountainous part of Hubei province, and later lived in Beijing and Hebei. When his father retired, the family moved to Nanjing.




