双语新闻:袁亚非 可能只有怪人才能成功

2014-05-13 11:31:41来源:可可英语

  After studying accounting at college, Mr Yuan entered the Nanjing government where he worked in the auditing department. He says he was later sent to become acting party chief of a village but after writing an essay on agricultural reform was promoted to become secretary to the top Communist party official in the district.


  Like many Chinese entrepreneurs, his path changed because of Deng Xiaoping, the former leader who launched economic reforms after the death of Mao Zedong.


  “After Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992 . . . I realised I wanted to live my life in a different way,” he says. “I wanted to experience what I could achieve and therefore I quit my job in the government.”


  With Rmb20,000 (worth $3,200 today) in savings and money borrowed from his parents, he considered various ideas. He ended up entering the computer business, building “DIY” machines assembled from components sourced in China.


  “I am very confident,” he says. “Compared to the business guys in those times, I am more diligent, I am smarter and I’m a better person and I am better educated.”


  After making his first fortune, Mr Yuan bought an apartment in Nanjing’s International Trade Center but says his “biggest dream was to get the entire building”.

  挣到第一桶金之后,袁亚非在南京国际贸易中心(International Trade Center)买了一套公寓,但表示“最大的梦想是买下整栋楼”。

  He did exactly that, and later bought all the other buildings in the business district. Last year he purchased the International Finance Centre from Li Ka-shing, Asia’s richest man, and plans to use part of the property for his “Oriental Fraser” store.

  而他确实做到了。后来还将那个商业区所有其他显赫物业一并买下。去年,他从亚洲首富李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)手中买下国际金融中心(International Finance Centre),并计划将该物业的一部分开辟为他的“东方Fraser”商场。

  To illustrate the scope of his success, he arranges his lighter, some name cards, my iPhone and wallet on the table. Each represents one of the buildings in the business district.


  “All mine,” he says with a broad smile. Asked how he made so much money, Mr Yuan grins again and says: “It’s a secret . . . I made many mistakes in the past but I never made strategic mistakes.


  “The economy always has its cycle. I can always foresee the down slope and I get myself ready for the right time to come and then I can get what I want when it hits its lowest. I can always grab opportunities.”


  Mr Yuan has little time for leisure but says he enjoys reading and good cuisine. His favourite drink is maotai, the fiery Chinese liquor, but he also drinks red wine. “I usually drink Lafite. Since I know nothing about wine, I just drink the most expensive stuff.”


  As he prepares to leave for the airport where one of his two aircraft is waiting, he jokingly asks that his personal life be spared – even though he has revealed nothing more than the existence of a son whom he will send to primary school in the UK next year – but gives the green light to write that he wants to send the boy to Eton.




