The prime minister tried to reassure Tory MPs last Friday that any new powers for Holyroodwould be considered “in tandem” with a new drive to give English MPs more say over English-only legislation.
Downing Street insiders reaffirmed on Sunday that Mr Cameron was committed to bringingforward proposals on English votes on English laws and was “more than happy” to hold a voteon the West Lothian question if recommended by the cabinet committee he set up last week toconsider English devolution.
英国政府内部人士上周日重申,卡梅伦将致力于推动有关英格兰人在英格兰法律方面投票权的提案。他们还表示,如果按照内阁委员会的建议,就“西洛锡安问题”(the West Lothian question,指除英格兰以外的地区是否有权对英格兰事务投票——译者注)进行投票表决,卡梅伦将“不胜喜悦”。这个委员会是卡梅伦上周设立的,任务是考虑英格兰分权问题。
At the Labour conference there was talk of “betrayal” by Mr Cameron in his attempt to mixthe two issues and Chuka Umunna, the shadow business secretary, said the prime ministerhad acted “dishonourably”.
Alex Salmond, Scotland’s first minister, who announced his intention to resign after lastweek’s No vote in the independence referendum, told the BBC’s Sunday Politics that the “vow”signed by the leaders of the three main Westminster parties to transfer new powers toHolyrood was “cooked up in desperation from the last days of the campaign” and was nowunravelling.
苏格兰首席大臣亚历克斯•萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond)在上周公投结果出炉后宣布计划辞职。他周日在英国广播公司(BBC)的Sunday Politics节目中表示,英国三个主要政党领导人签署的将新的权力下放给苏格兰议会的承诺是“虚情假意的,是独立运动最后几天的绝望之举”,而现在这种承诺正在破裂。
But Tory MPs are urging Mr Cameron to press ahead with his plan to give more power toEnglish MPs by putting the idea to a vote before the election, in an attempt to put Labour onthe wrong side of public opinion.
本文关键字: 卡梅伦承诺将赋予苏格兰更多权力
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