Even so, some say they are taking action to align their assets with their environmentalprinciples. Others want to shame companies that they believe are recklessly contributing to awarming planet. Still others say that the fight to limit climate change will lead to newregulations and disruptive new technologies that will make these companies an increasinglyrisky investment.
Ultimately, the activist investors say, their actions, like those of the anti-apartheid divestmentfights of the 1980s, could help spur international debate, while the shift of investment fundsto energy alternatives could lead to solutions to the carbon puzzle.
“This is a threshold moment,” said Ellen Dorsey, executive director of the Wallace GlobalFund, which has coordinated the effort to recruit foundations to the cause. “This movementhas gone from a small activist band quickly into the mainstream.”
“这是一个跨越性的时刻,”华莱士全球基金(Wallace Global Fund)的首席执行官埃伦·多尔西(Ellen Dorsey)说。号召其他基金会加入这项事业的行动就是由这家基金协调开展的。“这项运动很快就从一个小规模运动变成了主流。”
Not everyone will divest completely or right away, Ms. Dorsey noted, and some are divestingjust from specific sectors of the fossil fuel industry, such as coal.
“The key thing is that they are moving along toward a common destination,” she said.
Among the individual investors joining in the announcement on Monday is Mark Ruffalo, theactor. The news conference will include a videotaped message from Bishop Desmond Tutu,who said that because climate change has a disproportionate impact on the poor, it is “thehuman rights challenge of our time.”
周一发布声明的个人投资者中,包括演员马克·鲁法洛(Mark Ruffalo)。新闻发布会上将播放一段大主教德斯蒙德·图图(Desmond Tutu)的视频讯息。他表示,因为气候变化会给穷人带来相当大的影响,所以这是“我们这个时代所面临的人权挑战”。
Just how transparent the various funds and institutions will be about the progress of theirasset sales is uncertain.
At the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, there is no equivocation but there is caution, said StephenHeintz, its president. The fund has already eliminated investments involved in coal and tarsands entirely while increasing its investment in alternate energy sources.
洛克菲勒兄弟基金会总裁斯蒂芬·海因兹(Stephen Heintz)说,该基金会不是在含糊其辞,只是较为谨慎。基金会增加对替代能源的投资的同时,已完全撤出了涉及煤炭和沥青砂的投资。
Unwinding other investments in a complex portfolio from the broader realm of fossil fuels willtake longer. “We’re moving soberly, but with real commitment,” he said.
Steven Rockefeller, a son of Nelson A. Rockefeller and a trustee of the fund, said that heforesees financial problems ahead for companies that have stockpiled more reserves than theycan burn without contributing significantly to climate damage. “We see this as having both amoral and economic dimension,” he said.
纳尔逊·A·洛克菲勒(Nelson A. Rockefeller)之子、该基金的受托人之一史蒂文·洛克菲勒(StevenRockefeller)表示,他认为那些囤积的储量超出消耗量,并且没有给气候事业做出贡献的公司,将来会面临财务困境。“我们认为,这个问题既有道德影响,也有经济影响,”他说。
本文关键字: 洛克菲勒家族从化石燃料企业撤资
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