
2014-10-23 16:12:26来源:网络

  "As the I.M.F. has said," he said, referring to the International Monetary Fund, "we need tofocus on growth."

  “就像IMF说的那样,”他说。“我们需要关注经济增长。”IMF指的是国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetary Fund)。

  The divisions between Europe's leaders, at a moment when unity would seem critical, is onereason the markets are rattled — as well as the fact that policy makers still have not found atool to revive growth in the face of staggering public debt.


  The prospect of another European financial crisis can only bring an unwanted sense ofdiscomfort for Washington and the rest of the world, given that China's economy is slowing,the American recovery remains fragile and the Ukrainian crisis remains unresolved. Financialinvestors who had seemingly forgotten about the European crises in 2008 and 2010 now againseem worried about the Continent's persistent lack of growth and the prospect of falling into adeflationary trap.


  "It is the third phase of the crisis," said Fran?ois Godement, an analyst at the European Councilon Foreign Relations, a research organization.

  研究机构欧洲对外关系委员会(European Council on Foreign Relations)的分析师弗朗索瓦·戈德芒(Fran?ois Godement)说,“目前是危机的第三阶段。”

  Politically and economically, Europe's central country remains Germany and its central figureremains Ms. Merkel, backed by Jens Weidmann, the head of the German central bank and longan advocate of monetary and fiscal discipline. Germany is the eurozone's biggest economicforce, but it is now stumbling — even as its role as enforcer of austerity has made it a focus offear, loathing and blame from some other European powers.

  在政治和经济上,德国仍是欧洲的核心国家,默克尔仍是欧洲的核心人物,她得到了德国央行行长延斯·魏德曼(Jens Weidmann)的支持。魏德曼长期以来一直推崇货币和财政纪律。德国是欧元区最大的经济力量,但它现在也是步履蹒跚,尽管它因为努力推行紧缩,但已经成了其他欧洲大国恐惧、厌恶、指责的目标。

  France, which has in modern times been Germany's indispensable partner in European crisismanagement, is now in near revolt, and President Fran?ois Hollande has joined forces with Mr.Renzi, who has presented an expansionary 2015 budget that will cut taxes despite pressurefrom Brussels to meet deficit targets.

  在现代,对于欧洲的危机管理,法国一直是德国不可或缺的伙伴。但现在,它似乎也要开始反抗了。法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)站在了伦齐一边。尽管布鲁塞尔向其施压,要求满足赤字目标,但伦齐仍然拿出了一份扩张性的2015年度预算案,该预算将削减税收。

  Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, has pressed Germany to temper itsinsistence on budgetary discipline and to spend more on public works to stimulate theeurozone economy. The French have cheered him on. German leaders have resisted, whilemaking clear their opposition to the more powerful stimulus measures that analysts expectthe European Central Bank to deploy soon.

  欧洲央行行长马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)曾敦促德国缓和它对预算纪律的坚持,增加公共工程开支,从而刺激欧元区经济。法国对德拉吉表达了鼓励,但德国领导人却并不同意。分析人士预期欧洲央行很快就会部署更加有力的刺激举措,但德国对此明确提出了反对。

  Mr. Weidmann has become increasingly alienated from other members of the EuropeanCentral Bank's governing council in his refusal to countenance large-scale purchases ofgovernment bonds, the kind of stimulus that the Federal Reserve used to help revive theUnited States economy. Mr. Weidmann speaks for a large swath of the German public, and wasonce a close adviser to Ms. Merkel.




