"It caught us by surprise," said Gilles Michaud, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police assistantcommissioner.
“我们措不及防,”皇家加拿大骑警(Royal Canadian Mounted Police)助理警监吉勒·米肖(Gilles Michaud)说。
Canadian officials said the wounded soldier, identified as Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, 24, a reservistfrom Hamilton, Ontario, died at a hospital and that the gunman was killed inside the Parliamentbuilding.
加拿大官员称,那名受伤的警卫在医院不治身亡,持枪歹徒则在议会大厦内部被击毙。身亡士兵确认为24岁的下士内森·西里洛(Nathan Cirillo),是来自安大略省哈密尔顿的预备役军人。
Craig Scott, a member of Parliament, credited the sergeant-at-arms, Kevin Vickers, 58, withshooting the gunman just outside the caucus rooms. In a Twitter posting, Mr. Scott said heand his colleagues "owe their safety, even lives," to Mr. Vickers.
议员克雷格·斯科特(Craig Scott)将自己能躲过这一劫归功于58岁的下议院警卫官凯文·维克斯(KevinVickers)。维克斯在党团会议室外击中了持枪歹徒。斯科特在Twitter上发帖称,他和同事的“安全乃至性命”多亏了维克斯。
The shootings came amid heightened concern among Canadians about terrorist attacks. Twodays earlier, a radical jihadist ran over two soldiers at a suburban Montreal strip mall, killingone of them.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, an outspoken critic of the Islamic State movement and othermilitant groups, has been considering the introduction of new antiterrorism legislation and hasactively supported the American-led military effort to degrade the Islamic State's expansionin Syria and Iraq.
加拿大总理斯蒂芬·哈珀(Stephen Harper)公开谴责伊斯兰国(Islamic State)运动及其他一些激进团体,一直在考虑引入新的反恐立法,而且积极支持美国领导的旨在阻止伊斯兰国在叙利亚和伊拉克扩张的军事行动。
President Obama spoke with Mr. Harper by telephone to offer condolences and vowed toprovide any assistance that Canada may need. Speaking later with reporters, Mr. Obamarecalled visiting the Parliament building that was the scene of Wednesday's mayhem.
"We're all shaken by it," Mr. Obama said, "but we're going to do everything we can to makesure that we're standing side-by-side with Canada during this difficult time."
The Ottawa Hospital said in a statement that it was treating three people for wounds relatedto the shooting, and that they were later released. .
渥太华医院(The Ottawa Hospital)发表声明称,有三人因为与此次枪击案有关的伤势在该院接受过治疗,目前已经出院。
The shooting upended a busy day in the capital and paralyzed much of the city. A hockey gamehere between the Toronto Maple Leafs and Ottawa Senators was postponed, the NationalHockey League announced.
枪击案扰乱了渥太华繁忙的日程,使得城里大片地区陷入瘫痪。北美冰球联盟(National Hockey League)宣布,原定在这里举行的多伦多枫叶队(Toronto Maple Leafs)和渥太华参议员队(Ottawa Senators)的一场冰球比赛也将推迟。
The United States Embassy in Ottawa reported that it was in lockdown mode, in an advisory toAmerican citizens posted on its website.
The police told reporters that they began getting multiple 911 calls about shootings in theParliament area at 9:52 a.m., just as the leaders of the three major parties in Parliament wereholding their weekly meetings, suggesting the possibility that the attack had been deliberatelytimed for when many lawmakers would have been working. Many of the lawmakers wererushed into secure rooms in the basement by guards.
Chrystia Freeland, a member of Parliament from Toronto, speaking by cellphone from awindowless room in the basement, said she had been just walking into a meeting she heardshots.
来自多伦多的下院议员克里斯提亚·弗里兰(Chrystia Freeland)在地下一个没有窗户的房间里接受电话采访时表示,听到枪响时,她正走进会议室准备参加会议。
"They hustled me and another woman into this room and told us to hide," she said. "I'msurrounded by more than a dozen House of Commons security guards."
Mr. Harper had been inside Parliament at the time but several witnesses saw him taken away ina motorcade. The entire downtown area was placed on lockdown as police reinforcementsarrived, leaving thousands of workers trapped in office towers. The lockdown was partiallyeased hours later for the downtown area.
There had been early reports of a shooting in a shopping mall near Parliament but the Ottawapolice said those reports were incorrect.
Convoys carrying heavily armed police officers continued to race into the area hours after thefirst shots were fired, apparently in the hunt for other possible gunmen. But the normallycongested streets were otherwise ghostlike. As the hours passed, the police extended theirperimeter of closed roads ensnaring the core in a ring of gridlock.
The Ottawa Police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police warned the public in a Twitter post to"stay away from the downtown Ottawa area."
本文关键字: 加男子闯入首都议会大厦射杀卫兵
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
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