Never mind that immigrants don't need special visas to be entrepreneurial; research showsthat they are far more likely than native-born Americans to start businesses. Start-up visas arean easy political sell, which also explains Canada's latest gamble.
When Canada's immigration minister, Jason T. Kenney, came to visit 500 Startups recently, ona gloriously sunny Friday afternoon, he got a taste of what attracts foreigners. Dave McClure, aco-founder of the incubator, took him straight to the wall-to-wall 12th-floor window.
在一个阳光灿烂的周五下午,当加拿大移民部部长贾森·T·肯尼(Jason T. Kenney)前来参观“500创业”项目时,他领略到了此地能够吸引外国人的原因。该孵化器项目的联合创始人戴夫·麦克卢尔(Dave McClure)直接带着他来到12层的落地窗前。
"Facebook is that way," Mr. McClure said, pointing to the 360-degree view. "You can see Appleover there."
The new Canadian visa is not for tech entrepreneurs per se, but the venture capitalrequirements favor technology start-ups over more traditional immigrant businesses, likecorner shops and restaurants. And the offer is far more generous than its Americancounterpart.
Anyone with one year of college and 75,000 Canadian dollars from an approved Canadian angelinvestor, or 200,000 Canadian dollars from an approved Canadian venture capitalist, canapply for the visa. Applicants need to be able to speak basic English or French. They need notprove they will create any jobs.
American lawmakers have opted for a more cautious approach. The proposed Senate billwould grant temporary visas valid for three years, unlike Canada, which would grantpermanent residency. The Department of Homeland Security would have to report to Congressevery three years on what kinds of businesses the recipients create, how many jobs theyproduce, and how much revenue.
美国的议员则选择了一种更为谨慎的方式。这项在参议院提出的法案可以批准有效期为三年的临时签证,不像加拿大那样会批准永久居留权。美国国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)必须每隔三年向国会汇报:持有签证的人创办了何种经营业务,他们带来了多少就业,营业收入是多少。
It is not geared toward entrepreneurs in any specific industry, though the rhetoric around ithas centered mainly on technology. Technology investors, like Mr. McClure, have been activelypushing for it.
"From a political perspective, the goal of the start-up visas is to demonstrate they'rebringing in the sexiest, highest-value people," said Madeleine Sumption, assistant director forresearch at the Washington-based Migration Policy Institute, who has studied start-up visaprograms worldwide.
“从一个政治的角度去看,创业签证的目的就是要证明,它们会带来最性感、最高价值的人,”华盛顿移民政策研究所(Migration Policy Institute)助理主任马德琳·萨普欣(Madeleine Sumption)说,她研究过世界各地的创业签证项目。
But, she pointed out, most immigrant entrepreneurs — Google's co-founder, Sergey Brin,included — come in on other visas. "You don't need an entrepreneur visa to haveentrepreneurs," she added. "You would have to let in a lot of people before you guaranteesome Sergey Brins."
然而她指出,多数移民创业者,包括谷歌的联合创始人谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin),都是持其他类型的签证来到美国。“你不需要一张创业者签证来吸引创业者,”她补充说,“你必须先让很多人进来,才可以保证能有几个谢尔盖·布林。”
本文关键字: 从硅谷挖走创业者没那么容易
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