
2021-05-10 17:18:00来源:网络



  I.Sentence Translation

  1.People used to believe that to be healthy, they had to eat a lot of meat. Today, we eat more whole grain food, like bread and rice. Fruit and vegetable are also important.

  2.The most important purpose of getting an education is to prepare us either for our future work and careers or for living a full life.

  3.When you talk to people, don’t just focus on their words. Take note of their body language, voice tones and expressions. These will tell you more about the people you are talking with.

  4.In British businesses, it is considered poor practice for employees to exhibit emotion on the job. Indeed, most British people find public displays of emotion, especially anger, offensive.

  5.In America, you must be at least 16 years old to have your driver’s license. If you are 15, you may have a learner’s permit, which means you can only drive with an adult driver.

  II.Passage Translation:

  21.North America is an interesting continent. There are many types of landforms, such as mountains and deserts. There are also great rivers and lakes. There are still many wide-open spaces. But there are crowded cities, too, for example, New York and Toronto. The United States and Mexico are part of North America. Canada is also in North America, and it is the biggest of the three countries. In addition, Central America, which is made up of seven countries and many islands in the Caribbean, are also part of North America.

  22.Some early childhood education expert says a person’s brain grow fastest in infant period. If a person’s intelligence grows up to 100% at 17 years old, they can get 50% of their intelligence at four years old. Therefore, early childhood education is very important. For children at one to four years old, it’s a crucial period to develop their brain, as well as their language skills, cognition and social networking. Also during this period, their capabilities to recognize colors and numbers also grow very fast.


  句子听译中只出现了一次列举,即第3句里的“body language, voice tones and expressions”,这是我们在课堂上强调过必须要纪录的成分,可以记成“体、voi、表”,并在听完之后趁记忆新鲜立即先翻成中文,再去翻句中别的成分,确保拿下分数。

  段落听译第一段通篇短句,笔记务必做到“一句一行”,每句记下关键实词,听完结合常识和想象进行组句。其中反复出现的字“North America”,笔记可以如上所述Northern European一样,记成Am加正上方一根横线,千万不要浪费时间反复记,之后再次出现就可以用课上讲到的“..”来表示。


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