
2023-02-24 07:48:00来源:网络


  Part Ⅳ



  √ Here's how to impress your employer during your time there.

  √ Know what to expect.

  √ Gain trust early on.

  √ When you come in as an intern, you'll have to prove yourself in the work world.

  √ Pay attention to the office culture.

  √ Observe how others in the office act, and mirror that.

  √ Focus.

  √ You may be confident that it doesn't affect your work, but your manager may not think so.

  √ Don't try to cover it up or make excuses. Own up and fix it.

  √ Ask for feedback.

  √ Every so often, ask your boss how you're doing.

  √ Learn from your co-workers. Ask them about their own careers.

  √ Dress appropriately.

  √ Ask for advice.

  √ Talk to co-workers about your career plans, and let them know you're open to advice.

  √ Say "Thank you".

  √ A simple expression of gratitude may even put you ahead of the pack.


  As an intern, you probably won't be doing glamorous, substantive work.

  But in exchange, you'll get exposure to the field and experience for your resume.

  When you come in as an intern, you'll have to prove yourself in the work world.

  Don't use social networking sites or text with friends throughout workdays.

  In many jobs, mistakes are serious. If you do make a mistake, make sure you handle it correctly.

  What could you do better? Are you meeting the goal of the organization? Make it easy for him/her to give you input that will help you grow.

  If you look like you're dressing for a class rather than a job, you're signaling that you don't take your job seriously.

  We all love hearing the occasional expression of appreciation, so don't be shy about offering it.


  ◇ As an intern, you probably won't be doing glamorous, substantive work. So you may get stuck photocopying, filing, arranging meetings, or undertaking other menial tasks.


  ◇ Don't try to cover it up or make excuses. Own up and fix it.


  ◇ If you look like you're dressing for a class rather than a job, you're signaling that you don't take your job seriously. Dress for the part you want to play.




  1. To be a good intern, you are likely to be asked to do small things. But you can get experience from doing them.

  2. Prove yourself to be a responsible and hard-working person.

  3. Pay attention to the office culture, do what others do.

  4. Focus on your work. Don't spend too much time on the internet for your personal interest.

  5. Don't try to cover up your mistakes. Face it and fix it.

  6. Ask your boss for feedbacks and use it.

  7. Learn from the experience of your co-workers.

  8. Dress appropriately. Never wear sloppy clothes at work place.

  9. Seek advance from your co-workers about your future career plans.

  10. Express appreciation to your manager for the intern opportunity.


  Know what to expect.


  此句字面上的意思是“知道自己应该期待什么”。但根据短文下一句“As an intern,you probably won't be doing glamorous,substantive work”,实际上是在提醒实习生不要好高骛远,努力从头做起。

  As an intern, you probably won't be doing glamorous, substantive work.

  参考译文:作为实习生,你所做的很可能不是一些令人羡慕、意义重大的工作。glamorous: adj, especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people特别富有魅力的;富于刺激的;独特的

  substantive:adj.dealing with real,important or serious matters 实质性的;本质上的;重大的;严肃认真的 如:The report concluded that no substantive changes were necessary.报告的结论是无须作任何重大变更。

  So you may get stuck photocopying, filing, arranging meetings, or undertaking other menial tasks.


  get stuck: unable to get rid of sb./sth, that you do not want摆脱不了;甩不掉如:I was stuck with him for the whole journey.一路上我一直没能摆脱他。

  But in exchange, you'll get exposure to the field and experience for your resume.


  in exchange: giving someone something and receiving something else from them 作为回报

  get exposure to: gain the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life接触到如:During the visit to Germany,we got exposure to the language.在德国期间,我们接触到了德语。

  Own up and fix it.


  own up: to admit that you are responsible for sth. bad or wrong承担责任;认错;坦白 如:I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.我还在等着有人承认把东西打碎了。

  Interns sometimes go to work, wearing flip-flops, ultra-low-rise jeans, visible bra straps, and worse.


  ultra-low-rise jeans:n.低腰牛仔裤

  bra strap:文胸肩带

  Dress for the part you want to play.


  part: n. a role played by an actor in a play, film/movie, etc.; the words spoken by an actor in a particular role角色 如She was very good in the part.她这个角色演得很好。


  ... and let them know you're open to advice.


  be open to: willing to listen to and think about new ideas思想开明的;不固执己见的 如I'm open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes.我很乐意听听你们对课堂活动的建议。

  A simple expression of gratitude may even put you ahead of the pack.


  pack:n.a group of similar people or things 群;帮;团伙 如We avoided a pack of journalists waiting outside.我们避开了等在门外的一群记者。

  此句中pack指所有的实习生,“put you ahead of the pack”可以理解为“make you stand out among an interns”。


本文关键字: CATTI真题 CATTI
