外刊精读:Child-care Costs:Precious Little Burdens

2022-10-13 08:40:00来源:网络

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★ Part01 外刊原文 ★

  Gone are the days when a mother’s place was in the home: in Britain women with children are now as likely to be in paid work as their unburdened sisters. Many put their little darlings in day care long before they start school. Mindful that a poor start can spoil a person’s chances of success later in life, the state has intervened ever more closely in how babies and toddlers are looked after. Inspectors call not only at nurseries but also at homes where youngsters are minded; three-year-olds follow the national curriculum. Child care has increasingly become a profession.

  For years after the government first began in 2001 to twist the arms of anyone who looked after an unrelated child to register with the schools,the numbers so doing fell. Kind but clueless neighbours stopped looking after little ones, who were instead herded into formal nurseries or handed over to one of the ever-fewer registered child-minders. The decline in the number of people taking in children now appears to have halted. According to data released by the Office for Standards in Education on October 27th, the number of registered child-minders reached its lowest point in September 2010 and has since recovered slightly.

  The new lot are certainly better qualified. In 2010 fully 82% of nursery workers held diplomas notionally equivalent to A-levels, the university-entrance exams taken mostly by 18-year-olds, up from 56% seven years earlier, says Anand Shukla of the Daycare Trust, a charity. Nurseries staffed by university graduates tend to be rated highest by inspectors, increasing their appeal to the pickiest parents. As a result, more graduates are being recruited.

  But professionalization has also pushed up the price of child care, defying even the economic depression. A survey by the Daycare Trust finds that a full-time nursery place in England for a child aged under two, who must be intensively supervised, costs £194 ($310) per week, on average. Prices in London and the south-east are far higher. Parents in Britain spend more on child care than anywhere else in the world, according to the OECD, a think-tank. Some 68% of a typical second earner’s net income is spent on freeing her to work, compared with an OECD average of 52%.

  The price of child care is not only eye-watering, but has also become a barrier to work. Soon after it took power the coalition government pledged to ensure that people are better off in work than on benefits, but a recent survey by Save the Children, a charity, found that the high cost of day care prevented a quarter of low-paid workers from returning to their jobs once they had started a family. The government pays for free part-time nursery places for three- and four-year-olds, and contributes towards day-care costs for younger children from poor areas. Alas, extending such a subsidy during stressful economic times would appear to be anything but child’s play.

★ Part02 英语提升角度外刊解读 ★


unburdened / ʌn'bɜ:dnd / adj.没有拖累的;无经济负担的

spoil / spɔɪl / v.损坏(某事物);损害

intervene / ˌɪntəˈvi:n / v.插手;介入;干预

toddler / ˈtɒdlə(r) / n.学步儿童;刚学会走路的孩子

call at:访问;走访

nursery / ˈnɜ:səri / n.托儿所;保育院

curriculum / kəˈrɪkjələm / n.(学校等的)全部课程

twist the arms of sb to do sth:强制某人做某事

clueless / ˈklu:ləs / adj.愚笨的;无能的

herd / hɜ:d / v.(某人/某物)成群地移动;驱赶成群的(某人/某物)


lot / lɒt / n.全体;全部;总量

diploma / dɪˈpləʊmə / n.文凭;毕业证书

notionally / 'nəuʃənəli / adv.假设地;理论上地

equivalent / ɪˈkwɪvələnt / adj.相等的;等同的

charity / ˈtʃærəti / n.慈善机构;慈善团体

picky / ˈpɪki / adj.挑剔的;难以取悦的

professionalization / prəˌfeʃənəlaɪz'eɪʃn / n.职业化

defy / dɪˈfaɪ / v.不受……的影响


pledge / pledʒ / v.保证;发誓

benefit / ˈbenɪfɪt / n.保险金;救济金;补助金

anything but一点也不;绝不


原句:The decline in the number of people taking in children now appears to have halted.

句型:The decline in the number of … [某事物数量的下降]

例子:The decline in the number of wild animals needs our attention.

★ Part03 参考译文 ★







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