
2013-05-03 00:00:00来源:21英语网


  Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, everybody. (Laughter.) How do you like my new entrance music? (Applause.) Rush Limbaugh warned you about this -- second term, baby. (Laughter and applause.) We’re changing things around here a little bit. (Laughter.)

  Actually, my advisors were a little worried about the new rap entrance music. (Laughter.) They are a little more traditional. They suggested that I should start with some jokes at my own expense, just take myself down a peg. I was like, guys, after four and a half years, how many pegs are there left? (Laughter.)

  I want to thank the White House Correspondents. Ed, you’re doing an outstanding job. We are grateful for -- (applause) -- the great work you’ve done. To all the dignitaries who are here, everybody on the dais -- I especially want to say thank you to Ray Odierno, who does outstanding service on behalf of our country, and all our men and women in uniform every single day. (Applause.)

  And of course, our extraordinary First Lady, Michelle Obama. (Applause.) Everybody loves Michelle. (Laughter.) She’s on the cover of Vogue, high poll numbers. But don’t worry -- I recently got my own magazine cover. (Laughter.)

本文关键字: 奥巴马
