President Xi Jinping Gives a Joint Written Interview to the Media of Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica and Mexico
Q: What is the significance of your forthcoming visit to Latin America and the Caribbean? What are your expectations for closer relations between China and the Latin American and Caribbean countries?
A: I visited Latin America and the Caribbean region back in 2009 and 2011 in the capacity of China’s Vice President. The warm hospitality of the friendly Latin American people and their profound goodwill towards the Chinese people left a deep impression on me.
My upcoming visit will be my first trip to Latin America after becoming the President. The purpose of the visit is to deepen the traditional friendship between China and Latin America and expand their mutually beneficial cooperation. During the visit, I will have in-depth exchanges of views with leaders of Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica and Mexico on ways to strengthen respective bilateral relations and China-Latin America ties in general and make extensive contacts with people from various communities in these countries. I am confident that the visit will give a strong boost to the China-Latin America comprehensive and cooperative partnership featuring equality, mutual benefit and common development.
As an ancient Chinese poem goes, “A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.” Though geographically far apart, China and Latin America and the Caribbean enjoy a friendship that dates back to antiquity. Several centuries ago, Chinese and Latin American merchants opened what we called the “Maritime Silk Road”, forming an important trade route between the eastern and western hemispheres. In the face of complex and shifting international landscapes since the beginning of the 21st century, China and Latin America have upheld the principle of equality and mutual benefit, firmly pursued the goal of common development and worked concertedly for substantial progress in their relations.
Politically, the two sides have rendered each other understanding and support on the major issues bearing on respective core interests and in the course of exploring development paths suited to respective national conditions, resulting in the steady increase of their strategic mutual trust. Economically, the practical cooperation between the two sides has borne rich fruits, delivering tangible benefits to both peoples. With two-way trade reaching 261.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2012, China has become the second largest trading partner of Latin America and the Caribbean, which witnessed the world’s fastest-rising exports to China. By investing nearly 65 billion U.S. dollars in Latin America and the Caribbean in accumulative terms, China has helped create much-needed jobs in the region.
In international affairs, the two sides have stepped up coordination and cooperation, effectively upholding their fundamental interests and the common interests of the developing countries. What is more, we have actively explored ways for all-round cooperation with a view to bringing into fuller play each other’s strengths and setting up a better platform for advancing our comprehensive and cooperative partnership.
中拉拥有共同的发展理念,不论在治国理政方面,还是在国际事务中,双方都拥有越来越多的共同语言。事实已经并将继续证明,中拉关系发展是开 放的发展、包容的发展、合作的发展、共赢的发展。这符合中拉双方共同利益,也为地区和世界的和平、稳定、繁荣作出了积极贡献。
China and Latin America share the same approach to development. We have found increasingly more common language whether in respective nation-building and governance or in international affairs. Facts have proven, and will continue to show, that the growth of China-Latin America relations is an open and inclusive process featuring win-win cooperation. It not only serves the common interests of the two sides, but also contributes to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world at large.
展望未来,我们愿同拉美和加勒比国家一道努力,不断推 进中拉全面合作伙伴关系,更好造福双方人民。我对中拉关系发展前景充满信心。
Looking ahead, we are ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to move forward the comprehensive and cooperative partnership between the two sides and bring about still greater benefit to the two peoples. I have full confidence in the prospects of China-Latin America relations.
问:如何看待中国同特多双边关系的发展?双方在能源领域可以开展哪些合作?中国将在关税等方面采取什么措施,以帮助特多制造业产品进入像金 砖国家这样增长较快的市场?
Q: How do you view the growth of China’s relations with Trinidad and Tobago? What types of cooperation can be conducted in the field of energy? What tariff measures will China take to give manufactured goods of Trinidad and Tobago access to the fast-growing markets like BRICS?
答:我即将访问特立尼达和多巴哥。这是我首次访问特多,也将是历史上中国国家主 席首次访问英语加勒比地区。我对这次访问充满期待。
A: I will be visiting Trinidad and Tobago shortly. It will be my very first visit to that country and also the very first visit paid by a Chinese President to the English-speaking Caribbean. I have high expectations for the visit.
中特友谊源 远流长。两个多世纪前,首批华人抵达特立尼达岛,在那里落地生根,同当地民众和睦相处,成为特多多元民族和文化密不可分的一部分。
China and Trinidad and Tobago enjoy a time-honored friendship. More than 200 years ago, the first group of Chinese settlers arrived at the island of Trinidad. They have since lived harmoniously with the local communities and become an integral part of the pluralistic society of Trinidad and Tobago.
中国人民不会忘记,在两国建交前,特多人民就为中华人民共和国恢复在联合国合 法席位投下庄严的一票。
The Chinese people will never forget that even before the two countries established diplomatic relations, the people of Trinidad and Tobago cast their solemn vote in favor of restoring the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations.
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迎春乐 柳永 近来憔悴人惊怪。为别后、相思煞。我前生、负你愁烦债。便苦恁难开解。 良夜永、牵情无计奈。锦被里、馀香犹在。
Sonnet 14 If Thou Must Love Me Elizabeth Barrett Browning If thou must love me, let it be for naught
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