Statement by Ambassador Chen Xu, Head of the Chinese Delegation, at the Seventy-Fourth Session of the Executive Council
Mr. Chairman,
Please allow me to welcome you back to the Chair of the Executive Council. The Chinese delegation will work closely with you and with other delegations in a joint effort for the successful completion of the deliberation of all the agenda items at this session.
The Chinese delegation wishes to thank the Director General for his comprehensive work report, as well as the vice-chairpersons of the Council for their respective reports. The Chinese delegation also associates itself with the statement made by the Iranian Ambassador on behalf of the NAM States Parties and China. Now, please permit me to elaborate China’s positions as regards the agenda items.
Firstly, China welcomes the depositing by Syria of the instrument of accession to the Convention, and commends the adoption by the Council at its 33rd Meeting of the decision on the destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons. China holds the view that the destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons should proceed in parallel with a political solution to the crisis in Syria, and is looking forward to the OPCW playing its unique role in the verification and destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons. China is prepared to provide its experts and offer its financial contributions for the mission. Meanwhile, China believes that while it represents an important progress in the universality of the Convention, the accession to the Convention by Syria highlights in particular the fact that CW destruction constitutes the object of the Convention and the chief task under it. China hopes that the OPCW will continue to ensure resources and inputs for CW destruction.
本文关键字: 陈旭大使在第74届执理会上的发言 双语
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