Google has not had an easy recent run in Brussels.
In early September, the competition commissionthrew back the search engine’s proposals to settleits long-running antitrust case. Then, the EU’sincoming digital commissioner warned the companyof increased scrutiny from regulators.
Before that, the EU’s “right to be forgotten” leftGoogle with the onerous task of removing search results if someone requested it.
在此之前,欧盟裁定的“被遗忘权”(right to be forgotten)让谷歌背上了一项艰巨的任务:如果有人要求删除搜索结果,谷歌需要照做。
These setbacks have come despite Google increasing its lobbying efforts and launching acharm offensive in Brussels and national capitals across Europe, as the US technology groupwrestles with the reality of life as a $400bn company in an increasingly strictly regulatedsector.
The group is believed to have more than doubled the amount it spends on EU lobbying since2011. It spent roughly 1.5m lobbying EU institutions in 2013, according to the EuropeanTransparency Register, a voluntary register that tracks what businesses spend on lobbyingEuropean institutions, an increase from the 600,000 it spent in 2011.
据信,自2011年以来,谷歌在游说欧盟方面的支出增长了不止一倍。根据专门追踪企业在欧洲游说支出的European Transparency Register的数据,2013年,谷歌斥资约150万欧元用于游说欧盟机构,高于2011年的60万欧元。
In the US, where rules on the disclosure of lobbying are stricter, technology groups report farhigher spending on lobbying. Google, for example, spent $8.85m in the first half of 2014 alonein the US – nearly four times what it said that it spent lobbying the EU for the whole of 2013.
Google declined to comment on this article. But its efforts in Europe are part of its “softpower” approach towards influencing policy makers.
The Financial Times has spoken to several people with knowledge of how the company has builtan operation worth tens of millions of dollars and focused on Brussels. It has learnt from peers,such as Microsoft, which waged its own battles with the EU in the 1990s and early 2000s andwas fined a total of 2bn between 1993 and 2013. Where the Seattle group adopted anaggressive approach towards European regulators, Google has employed a “soft power”strategy using private lobbying, philanthropic initiatives and public events to try to influencepolicy makers.
本文关键字: 谷歌日子不好过
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
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时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
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