A sense of weary calm was returning to downtownHong Kong last night, with only a few hundred of thetens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters thatbrought the city centre to a standstill for more than aweek remaining on the streets. But although thecrowds have dwindled, the sense of achievementfelt by many of the students who spearheaded theprotests has not.
“This movement is creating a new history of Hong Kong,” says Agnes Chow, a member ofScholarism, one of two student groups that led the protests. “Many Hong Kong people [now]accept using civil disobedience.”
“这个运动正在掀开香港历史的新篇章,”带头抗议的两个学生团体之一“学民思潮”(Scholarism)的成员周庭(Agnes Chow)女士表示。“许多香港人(现在)接受了公民抗命方式的使用。”
Occupy, Hong Kong’s protest movement, sprang up in response to China’s plan foruniversal suffrage in elections for the territory’s chief executive. The protesters back the“one person, one vote” offer on the table but are angry that candidates will be chosen by acommittee of mostly Beijing loyalists.
香港的抗议运动“占领中环”(Occupy Central,简称“占中”)是针对中国中央政府决定的香港行政长官普选方案而发起的。抗议者对中央方案中的“一人一票”没有意见,但对于候选人将由一个多数成员亲北京的委员会遴选产生而感到愤怒。
They have not persuaded Beijing to back down and remain “very discontented” at thegovernment and the refusal of CY Leung, chief executive, to resign, says Ms Chow. But thestudents are “very happy” about the level of public support they received, and she believes thegovernment will now face strong public pressure to be more accountable.
周女士表示,他们并未说服中央让步,并且对香港政府、对现任行政长官梁振英(CY Leung)拒绝辞职仍感到“非常不满”。但同学们对于自己得到的市民支持“非常高兴”,她认为,今后香港政府将面对强大舆论压力,要求其提高问责程度。
Most leaders of Occupy never believed they could change Beijing’s mind. But they hoped tosend a strong message to the Communist party and urge the Hong Kong government to holdgenuine consultations with the people.
本文关键字: 香港街头秩序逐步恢复往常
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