
2014-11-06 18:50:42来源:网络

  WASHINGTON — A group of Washington investorswith high-level political backing and a $5 billioncommitment from the Japanese government ispressing ahead with its vision of a high-speed trainthat could whisk passengers between New York andWashington in about an hour.



  The train, which uses a technology called magnetic levitation, or maglev, to float above thetrack on magnets instead of wheels, would travel at twice the speed of Amtrak’s Acela. It isone of several high-speed rail projects proposed for the heavily trafficked Northeast Corridor,where chronic traffic congestion and flight delays are expected to get worse.


  At a total estimated cost of $100 billion, critics say a maglev train on the East Coast is littlemore than a pipe dream. But that has not stopped the investors from pushing the project.


  On a test track in Japan on Tuesday, a prototype train whooshed a group of visitingAmericans through mountains at a top speed of 314 miles per hour — so fast, in fact, thatChristie Todd Whitman, the former New Jersey governor and one of the Americans on the ride,said trips on Amtrak between Washington and New York were “embarrassing” by comparison.

  周二,一列原型车在日本的测试轨道上,以314英里(约合505公里)的最高时速载着一群美国客人飞速穿越群山——速度非常之快,以致于此次测试的美国乘客之一、新泽西州前州长克里斯蒂·托德·惠特曼(ChristieTodd Whitman)禁不住感叹,相比之下,乘美铁列车往返华盛顿和纽约有些“令人难堪”。

  To Ms. Whitman, the train is a solution to transportation problems back home, where theAcela — the fastest train in the United States — takes 2 hours 45 minutes to travel betweenNew York and Washington.


  Ms. Whitman is part of a high-powered advisory board for the Northeast Maglev, a privateWashington-based company with a goal of building the Washington-to-New York line. Thegroup, which regularly visits Japan to pursue the project and has taken at least three test rideson the train, is trying to convince skeptical American policy makers and investors that themaglev makes financial and political sense.

  惠特曼是东北磁悬浮公司(Northeast Maglev)一个充满权势人物的顾问委员会的成员。这是一家设在华盛顿的私营企业,其目标是修建华盛顿至纽约的磁悬浮铁路。这群顾问经常前往日本推进项目,而且已至少三次试坐这种火车。他们试图使持怀疑态度的美国决策者和投资人相信,磁悬浮列车在经济和政治上都行得通。
