Let me tell all of you how proud I am to stand before you.
As a Canadian and as Prime Minister, it is an honourfor me to be here today among so manyheroes…men and women in uniform and those whoworked alongside them.
This mission, which was triggered on September 11, 2001 with the death of 24 Canadians in the attackson the World Trade Centre, was a long one.
This mission has been long. Indeed, with the returnof our remaining troops in March we marked the endof the longest military engagement in Canadian history.
And it has been hard, for our troops and for the many public servants who laboured along withthem.
We lost some of our soldiers and a Canadian diplomat. And some civilians who were workinghard to build a better Afghanistan, also made the ultimate sacrifice.
When I say just how proud I am of them all today. I know that I speak on behalf of allCanadians right across the country. Our troops stood strong. And our country stood stronglybehind them.
This National Day of Honour, the first of its kind in Canadian history, is a unique opportunityfor us to say thank you to the men and women who have fought and have served for Canada.
We are here today to honour their dedication, to honour their heroism, and to honour theirsacrifice. We have gathered as a country, one country united in appreciation, to offer ourgratitude.
And we have also come together as Canadians to make a collective promise. It’s the samepromise our forebears made after the conflicts of their times. And it is simply this: we willremember and we will never forget the 158 brave men and women in uniform who died toprotect Canadians and to set Afghans free.
We will also remember the other public servants and private citizens who laboured inAfghanistan. International Development officers worked to provide health and humanitarianassistance and to build economic and educational infrastructure.
The RCMP and other Canadian police forces trained policemen and women.
Correctional Services did the same for prison guards and diplomats from Foreign Affairs workedto advance democracy, good governance and respect for human rights.
The Canadian mission, more than that of any other nation, was an integrated, team effort,reflecting the very best of Canada’s Public Service. In highly dangerous situations, they workedwith our military and they shared the risks.
And a diplomat, a reporter, three contractors, and private aid workers also died in theperformance of their duties.
To remember them; that is our commitment.
The military equipment you see and have seen before you today the artillery, the armouredvehicles the aircraft, even the uniforms that so many here wear, they may be the symbols ofour great country’s strength.
But they are symbols only. This mission, like the other great conflicts that have shapedCanada, has shown once again what makes us truly strong.
Look around you and you will see what I mean.
It is our families, the foundation of everything we are. It is the neighbour who cooks for youand comforts you in your grief. It is the community that surrounds you and supports you.It’s organizations like the True Patriot Love Foundation, who rally the vast networks, goodwilland financial resources of our wider society behind you.
It’s the deep Canadian commitment to doing what’s right and what is good for each other andfor the world. And these are the things that stood behind our brave men and women inAfghanistan.
These are the things that make Canada strong.
And these are the things that will keep Canada strong.
God bless our men and women who served and their families. And god keep our land gloriousand free.
Thank you.
本文关键字: 加拿大总理在2014年国家荣誉日的讲话
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