at the Canada Day Celebration on Parliament Hill
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen
Ottawa, Ontario
1 July 2015
Thank you very much.
Governor General and Sharon
Johnston, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
Happy 148th Canada Day, everyone!
We have a great crowd and we’ve
got the sun which just goes to show a little bit of bad weather is never going
to keep Canadians down!
Once again, ladies and gentlemen,
as we celebrate this special day this year, we have much to be proud of and
much to be thankful for.
We are a prosperous and optimistic
We are a kind and generous
And we are a compassionate friend
and a reliable ally.
This is our Canada!
A country that is confident on
the world stage.
A country where people live in
A country where hard work and
entrepreneurship mean more than where you come from or the people you know.
These are all reasons to be
grateful because friends, when we look around the world, we see that Canada
stands unique among the nations.
In times of never-ending economic
and political turmoil in the world, our country is an island of stability.
At this moment in our history,
there is no better place in the world to live, to work and to raise a family.
No better place in the world than
this country, Canada!
Ours is a story of heroic effort
over many generations: by our first, Aboriginal peoples; by the many explorers,
like Sir John Franklin and his crew; by the pioneers who settled a vast,
untamed land; thanks to the visionaries, our Fathers of Confederation, who
united our territory and joined it together with a ribbon of steel; by the
waves of immigrants who helped raise great cities out of the wilderness, by the
athletes and performers who makes us so proud.
All of whom have built what Canada
is today: more confident, more prosperous, more united than ever, the best
country in the world!
Ladies and gentlemen, the
greatness of this country is no accident.
It is built on an unshakeable
foundation of values: freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law,
which is what draws people here from around the world.
And those are the values for
which our men and women in uniform put everything on the line, every day, in
our defence.
I recently met some of these
heroes who defend this country, our Canadian Armed Forces personnel.
In the Baltic and in Eastern
Europe, they are supporting our friends and allies who face Russian aggression.
And in Iraq and in Kuwait, they
are fighting the terrorists there, to keep us safe here.
Now friends, as we saw right here
in our Parliament, this threat is everywhere today.
But we have faced great threats
before, many times, and we have overcome them.
And we shall overcome them once
So, let’s hear it for the brave
men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces!
Ladies and gentlemen, today as we
celebrate the Canada that we are so fortunate to call home, let us honour the
hard work of all the everyday heroes, of the many generations who have built
this country.
And let us also honour them, as
we approach the 150th anniversary of Confederation, by continuing their work.
Let us pledge to pass on a better
Canada to future generations.
Canada, our home and native land,
past, present, and future, strong, proud, and free.
Happy Canada Day, everyone. |
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